Chapter 20

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Ambers POV

I am awaken by the sound of a running shower. I turn over in bed and glance at the clock, which reads 2:15 am. Chris has finally decided to come back after being gone for so long.  Eventually the shower turns off and Chris come out of the bathroom turning off the light behind him. I instantly close my eyes and pretend to be asleep. I hear draws opening and closing and the sound of ranging footsteps. I then feel the opposite side of the bed dip. I feel Chris wrap his muscular arms around me. His hand slides down my chest and stops on my baby bump.

"Oh Amber , what have I done? I have messed up your life. I am so sorry. I know that everything seems really confusing and messed up right now, but I promise you that everything is going to work out. We are going to figure this out and I am going to help you finish college if that is really what you want to do. Or if you just want to be a mom, who stays home and takes care of the kids that fine too. Yes I know I said kids, instead of child. See, I  hoping that maybe later when the time is right we can have more kids. Just please don't worry about what your dad said, ok? I am also sorry for leaving you here alone for hours. I really wish that you were awake right now and could hear this." Chris says.

I turn in his arms, cuddle into his chest and say "I love you."

"Your awake?" Chris asks pulling me closer to his bare toned chest.

"Yeah, I couldn't fall asleep. I-I thought that you weren't going to come back." I say lowly.

"I would never leave you or my child. I just needed to clear my head, because the only thought that was crossing my mind is that this is all my fault." Chris say as he unwraps his arms and take his hand and ever so gently runs his hand over my cheek.

"It's not your fault, Chris. It takes two to make a baby. It's just that I am scared because I have no idea what the future holds." I say moving closer to him and snuggling into his chest. 

"I love you to baby, so please don't worry about the future. I promise you that we will figure this out one step at a time. Now get some sleep, we have a flight to catch later on."

And with that we both fall into a peaceful sleep.


Chris POV

After a 5 hour flight and getting pass the paparazzi we managed to get into the car in one piece. I glance at the clock it reads 10:30 am. I then put the car into gear and drive home.

After about 20 minutes of driving I finally get home. I look over to the passenger side and see a sleeping Amber. I laugh silently because when every she sleeps up right she makes the funniest face ever. I get out of the car and walk over to the passengers side and pick her up.

"No, 10 more minutes please." She whines sleepily.

"Come on, you have to get up. I am going to get us some food." I place her down in front of the front door. 

She gives me an evil glare. I then run to the car and drive off.

Amber's POV

I am so tired. I can't wait to get into bed and go to sleep. I say as I open the front door.

I am shocked by what I see in front of me and I instantly awaken.

'You weren't suppose to be home yet." Minka say nonchalantly .


I know that it's short, but it was just a cliffhanger. The next chapter is going to be great! Any predictions?

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