Chapter 10

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Chris POV

I get to the hotel room and open the door. I rush in to the room to tell Amber the great news. I see her fast asleep on the bed with her phone in her hand. I smile at the thought of her taking me seriously about calling the cops about a missing person.

I glance at the clock, it reads 6:15. I then turn my attention back to Amber. My eyes start from how her hair is so perfectly sprawled on the bed, then to her beautiful and peaceful face, then trail down to her chest causing an eruption of dirty thoughts then to her belly that showed a small but noticeable bump. I involuntarily extend my arm and place my hand on her bump and smile. I am so memorized at the thought of my growing child being in there.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" Amber asks.

"Yea. I can't believe our future is in there." I reply.

"Me either." She says as she places her hand next mine on her small bump.

I look up at her and see bags under her eyes. She looks exhausted.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep." I say as I look into her tired eyes.

"No it's fine. I am too hungry to go back to sleep." She replies.

"Ok, what do you two want." I ask her.

"We want pizza with pickles, peanut butter and jelly. Yummy." She says.

"Um.. Are you sure that you want that? It sounds gross!" I reply.

"That's what we want." She says.

"Ok, I'll be back. I don't think we can order this from room service." I reply.


Amber's POV

Chris left to go get me something to eat, so now I am sitting her alone watching my favorite show, The Big Band Theory.

Suddenly I hear a knock at the door. That must be Chris. I get out of bed and open the door. There was no one there, only two envelope on the floor.

I pick up the envelopes and look around the hallway. No sign of anyone. I shrug my shoulders as walk back into the room. I look down at the envelopes. One is addressed to me and the other to Chris. I lay Chris's envelope on the bed and open mine. Inside is a letter that says:

Dear Miss. Sommer,

I know that you are planning on changing your last name to Evans soon. I also know that you pregnant. I know you are wondering how I know that. Simply because Chris told me. I am writing this letter to you because you deserve to know the truth, which I doubt Chris told you. Chris is cheating on you.

Those five words stabbed my heart like knives, and my tears poured out my eyes like a waterfall. I force myself to look at the page and continue reading.

We had sex the first week he can to Washington. I am telling you this for two reasons. The first one is because you deserve the truth and secondly, I am pregnant with Chris's baby.



Minka? His ex, is pregnant with his baby? I lay on the bed crying. Suddenly the door opens and in comes chris balancing the pizza box, pickles and peanut butter. He slides everything on to the table.

"I'm back." Chris says.

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