Sequel Plot summary

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Ok this isn't exactly a summary because I still don't have all the details worked out yet. I already started writing the first chapter, all I am missing is a cover and title. 

So here is the plot summary:

It's been 1 month since Amber left. Nether of them are handling the break up well. Chris is a complete a disaster. He gets drunk every night attempting to fill the hole that Amber had punch through his chest and life. He drinks to forget, but it's only a temporary solution. In the end, after the alcohol leaves his system all he is left with is a hangover and the cold hard truth. Amber is gone.

Amber on the other hand is depressed and lives in England with her best friend, Piper. She is preparing for the arrival of a baby that she isn't ready to have and on her own. The health of the baby is constantly declining because of Amber's mental health and her skyrocketing stress levels. Then a new guy moves in next door and seems to have a very strong interest in Amber.

Will Chris find Amber and get her back? Will Amber give he another chance? Or will the guy next door win her heart?      

Ok so I was think about the title "Hello, Goodbye". Like in other words hello future and goodbye past. So what do you guys think? Also I am still loking for suggestions.

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