Chapter 18

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Amber's POV

"Oh my god! Are you pregnant? My dad asks anger evident on his face.

Crap! Crap!Crap!

"Where is that meat head? I swear I am going to kill him." He says angrily.

I look back and see Chris. He looks like he is crapping his pants.

"He left for filming." I say quickly.

I see Chris look franticly around the room.

"Then I'll wait for him to come back." My dad presses.

"He won't be back for a while. He missed a lot of filming because he stay with me the whole time while I was in the hospital. Maybe you should come back tomorrow. He will be here then because we are going back to LA for a couple of months. Plus I am really tired." I say as I ever so slowly start to close the door.

Suddenly his hand slams hard stopping the door from closing anymore.

Chris POV

Suddenly I hear a hard slam on the door stopping Amber from push it closed any farther. I panic and dive into the open closet. I hit my head on the wall and say "Shit" in a low voice.

"What was that?' Amber's dad, Adam asks.

"Sorry the people in the room next to us are so noisy. If you though that was loud, you should hear them at night. It sounds like they are playing the drums." Amber says.

I have to stifle a laugh. Nice cover up. God, I love her so much.

"Yeah, but I heard a low shit that sounded way to close to be next door." Adam said.

"Yeah, sorry for the foul language. I just got a sharp pain in my upper part of my stomach." She replies.

Man she is good at think off of the top of her head. She is so believable. Note to self: remember that Amber is amazing at thinking off of the top of her head.

Amber's POV

Man I am coming up with some a amazing cover ups. Chris seriously owes me!

Suddenly my dad pushes through the door and into the room. I turn around bracing my self for the worst but instead I see a room only containing me and my dad. Wow he managed to make himself disappear.

"See, I told you he was at filming." I tell my dad while making sure that annoyance is evident in my voice.

"Yeah, I guess he is." he replies.

"Oww." I say and grab my stomach, faking a pained expression.

"Oh, honey come on. Let's get you to bed." My dads say as he grabs my arm and leads me over to the bed.

He lifts me up and places me into the bed. He puts the covers over me and places a kiss on my forehead, just like he did when I was a little girl.

"Alright, I'll let you get some much needed rest. I will be back though, Chris and I need to have a serious talk." He says.

Then he walks out of the door.

"Chris! You can come out of hiding now."

Chris comes out of the closet and sit on the bed next to me. He slowly rubs my head.

"That was a close one." I say.

"Yeah it was. How are you feeling baby girl?" He replies.

"I am ok." I say.

"I love you so much. I hope you know that." He says looking down at me lovingly.

I was about to reply when our hotel room door flies open and in walks my dad.

"I just left my phone" He starts.

Then he looks up and his face turns bright red "Chris!" He yells furiously.


Ok so I update twice in one day. I need at least 7 comments for another update. Yea I know another cliff hanger. Sorry I am evil ;)

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