Chapter 19

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Amber's POV


I was about to reply when our hotel room door flies open and my dad walks in.

"I just left my phone" He starts.

Then he looks up and his face turns bright red "Chris!" He yells furiously.

My dad rushes into the room and I instinctively stop my dad from hurting Chris.

Chris place his hand lightly on my shoulder and says "I can handle this. I am a man."

"Oh your a man. So come on a be a man! I'd love to go a few rounds with you! And I can promise that you'll be the one knocked out." My dad says

"Oh really I am going to be the one knock out?" Chris asks as he points to his huge muscles.

"Just because I don't look like Superman doesn't mean that I can't knock your ass out!"My dad yell

"Correction, it's Captain America." Chris says.

Chris begins to walk forward towards him but I wrap my arm around his incredible sexy muscular torso. God he is so hot. I would love to- wait Amber focus. Stop think about his hot abs and focus on the situation that is taking place right now.

"No! There will be no fighting or arguing! We are going to sit down and have a civil conversation about the future. Arguing and fighting isn't going to change the fact that I pregnant and I sure as hell am not getting an abortion" I say.

Enough is enough. I look at Chris is jaw is still clenched and my dads face is still as red as a coal of fire.

"I swear on this baby, if you both don't sit down and have a calm conversation, Chris you and I will be over and dad I will never to talk to you ever again dad. So make a choice." I say in a serious tone.

They both sit down. Chris on one side of the room and my dad on the other. I sit next to Chris on the bed. His arm snakes around my waist and his hand is on my stomach rubbing soothing circles. I look at him and he smiles.

"Ok, so this is how's it going to go." I start.

I reach over and grab a pen from the nightstand.

"Only the person who is holding this pen can talk." I says.

I throw the pen to my dad, who catches it effortlessly.

"Chris how could you let this happen? Why did you get my 19 year old daughter knock up?" My father asks and throws the pen to Chris.

"Mr.Sommer, I swear that I had no intentions of getting your daughter pregnant. It just happened and I am sorry that we weren't married first, that she isn't older and that it wasn't after her life was properly settle. I am truly sorry, but if I could go back in time and change that I wouldn't. I wouldn't change it for anything in the world, not your acceptance, to save my career, or whatever other reason. I love my child and I will always love him or her with everything in my heart. I also love your daughter so much." Chris says. 

He then throws that pen to me. I have nothing to say so I throw the pen to my dad.

"Are you telling me that you don't regret that you got my daughter pregnant?" My father questions and then throws the pen to Chris.

"No I do not." Chris says nonchalantly. 

He then passes the pen to me.

"Ok enough with the regrets or wanted apologize because it is not going to change anything. I am pregnant and let's move on to future plans." I say and then throw the pen to my dad.

"Do you plan on finishing college? What job are you going to have and are you really ready to be a parent? You have no idea what being a parent truly consists of. When you have a baby you have to stay almost all night. Pay a crap load of money for baby formula. There are no let's go out and have fun. The only nights out you get to have are date nights, which happen once in a blue moon. Your child is priority, which means that it no longer matters if your tired, injured or sick. You can't just call in sick or get workman's comp. because this a full-time job for both of you. Chris that means that your career might have to be put on the back burning sometimes. Amber and especially for you there are no fun, wild and free 20's. A time period where you learn how to be an adult. A very important learning experience that you will never get a chance to experience. I hope you are ready to be a parent. I just want you to know all the life experiences your going to miss out on."

My dad say. He literally looks like he is about to cry.

Suddenly he stands up and begins to walk towards the door.

"Where are you going? We are having a conversation! You asked me a question and you don't even want to know the answer to your own question?" I say to him.

He turns around and he is crying. I am so confused! Why is he crying I don't understand!

"No, Amber I don't want to hear you answer. I didn't ask you so I could receive a reply or clarity. I asked you to make you think. I want you to think about how your life is going to be different now. How your friends lives are going to be different. Don't get me wrong life is beautiful and I am blessed to be able to become a grandfather. I just hoped that your life would have been different. You are so talented at everything you put your mind to. You could have been something." My dad said and with that he grabbed his phone off of his desk and left.

There has been nothing but silence in the room for the last five minutes. 

Chris stands up and says "I am going for a walk, I need sometime to think."

He walks out of the door and the silence is back. I hate the silence because it screams the truth. It screams you messed up.


Ok so I don't love this chapter, but I wanted to add drama to the story. Everything was working out to well.  Let me know if you like the chapter or if you want me to change it. 

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