Chapter 7

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Chris POV

I wake up with a small head buried in my chest and my leg intertwined with smaller ones. I press a kiss to Amber's forehead, causing her to stir.

"Good morning." She says

"Good morning beautiful." I reply.

"What time is it ?" She asks, lifting her head.

I chuckle because her hair looks beyond funny. It's a mixture of sex hair and bed head.

"What's so funny? All I asks was what time it is." She states.

"It's 11:30 am and your hair." I reply and laugh so more.

"Oh my gosh, we have to get ready!" Amber says as she jumps out of bed.

"What? Why are we getting dressed?" I ask as I stare at her naked body. It's perfect, not one flaw or ounce of fat, except for a small forming baby bump.

"My parents. We have to go meet them for lunch in and an hour. And my eyes are up here on my face not down on my chest." She says.

My heart stops beating. Her parents, how could I forget. I am so dead.

"Chris, sweetheart are you alright?" She asks me.

"Yea, peachy." I reply as I get out of bed to get ready. It's going to be a long day.


Amber's POV

"Chris their going to love you. So don't worry." I say giving Chris's hand a reassuring squeeze, as we walk into the restaurant.

I walk up to the receptionist and say "Sommer's'."

"Right this way." She says as she grabs two menus.

She leads us to a table where my parents are already seated.

"Hi, mom and dad." I says causing them to look up.

"Sweetheart it's so nice to see you." My parents say as they get up and give me a hug.

My mom walks over to Chris and says "Hi, I am Denise. It is a pleasure to finally meet you." She says.

Chris holds out his hand and says "The pleasure is all mine Mrs. Sommers."

"Please call me Denise, and put down you hand. And give me a hug." My mom says.

He gives her a hug and looks at my dad who is giving him a hard stare.

"Hello Mr. Sommers, it is so nice to meet you." Chris says as he extends his hand.

"Hello Christopher, my name is Adam, but you will call me Mr. Sommers until I tell you otherwise" he says as he shakes Chris hand.

We take a seat and everyone looks over there menu. The waitress says with a tray full of food in her hand "I will be with you in a second." She then places the food on the table behind us.

The person directly behind me starts to move their food around and it smells terrible. I cough uncomfortably trying to get chris attention. He looks up from his menu. I look at him and scrunch my nose. In return I receive a confused look.

"I am going to the bathroom." I say abruptly. My stomach is sick.

I get up from the table, walk to the bathroom and go into an empty stall.

I hover of the toilet and take deep slow breathes.

"Amber, are you alright?" My mom's voice booms from somewhere in the vacant bathroom.

Before I can answer her I empty the contents of my stomach.

"Amber, are you ok? Open up." My mom says frantically.

I continue to empty my stomach. After I finish I flush the toilet and walk out of the bathroom.

"Oh my god, are you ok? Are you sick? Was it something you ate?" My mom begins to ramble on.

"I am not sick mom." I say.

"You don't have a fever, it must be something you ate." She says as feels my forehead.

"Mom I am not sick." I sigh.

"Really because a few minutes ago you were vomiting." She says.

"Yeah, about that." I start.

"Just because you are in college and live with you 32 year old boyfriend in a whole other state doesn't mean your are too old for me to take care of you when your sick. I am your mother and no matter how old you are, you will always be my little girl." She replies interrupting me.

"For goodness sake I am not sick! I am pregnant." I say angrily.

"Your what?!?" My mother asks. Her face has shock written all over it.

Oh god! I didn't mean for that to come out and not like this.

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