Chapter 22

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Amber's POV

I keep my eyes closed. I believe that Minka left a few minutes ago, because I heard the front door slam shut. I kept my eyes closed not wanting to take a chance. After what I believe is 5 minutes I hear the front door open and heavy footsteps come into the bedroom. I feel a large sized hand make contact with my forehead.

"Amber? B-baby, please wake up! I-I need you." Chris says and then begins to sob.

I slowly open my eyes and see Chris crying with his head on my stomach.

I lift my arm and place my hand gently on his head causing his head to whip up.

"Baby, your awake?" He asks unsure.

"Yea." I reply.

"B-but how? I-I mean there is so much blood." He tells me staring into my eyes as tears fall from his.

"Help me up." I tell him.

"No, moving you will make it worse. I need to call an ambulance." He says while he goes to get up.

I grab his hand and say "Trust me when I say I am ok. Just help me up."

"See, I would trust you if you weren't lying in a pool of you own blood." He says.

"Christopher Robert Evans, if you don't help me up." I say warningly.

He instantly helps me up causing me to winch slightly. He shoots me a worried glance. I lift up my shirt exposing a bloody body suit.

"What is that?" He asks curiously.

"Remember when we went to the Evil Dead set while they were filming? You went to go talk to a few of your director friends. I was so fascinated by how they made all the brutal killing scene look so real, and the director let me have one of their bleeding body suits? Well that's what I am wearing. After I had stabbed Minka I ran upstairs and put it on because I knew she was going to try and hurt me. Protecting the baby was priority." I tell him.

He is quiet for a few a seconds,but then he says "I am getting married to a genius and a basass! You stabbed Minka?"

"Hell yea I stabbed her! I mean that women is crazy. I must say you sure know how to chose some crazy women!" I reply.

"You do realize that you are calling yourself crazy?" He asks in a sacrcastic tone.

"I am crazy in a good way, not in a creepy stalker killer ex-girlfriend way. I would never be one of those." I tell him as I playfully hit his chest.

"Yeah right! I am a guy you kill for." He says with a smirk on his face.

I roll my eyes and say "Ok Mr. To kill For, can you please help my take off this stupid suit? I feel like I sufficating.' I tell him truthfully.

He helps me take of the suit and in the process gets fake blood everywhere. 

"I am going to go take a shower I feel gross." I say as I walk towards the bathroom.

"Not without me!" He says smirking.

I roll my eyes and keep walking. We take off our clothese and take a shower. After the shower Chris looks at my stomach and a wave of fear washes over his face. I look down at my belly and notice a huge gash that is ozzing blood. My REAL blood.

Chris grabs my hand and says "We have to get dressed and take you to the hospital, your bleeding too much for it to just be a normal cut.


This is just a filler. Be prepared for some crazy chapters because they are on the way!

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