Chapter 15

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Ambers POV

My eyes open and all I see is a blurry colleague of bright lights and colors. And all I hear are muffled voices and noise mushed together. After my vision becomes clear and the voices are no longer muffled, but still mushed together. I try to sit up but I feel a stabbing pain in my abdomen causing me to shriek in pain and lay back down.

"Amber?" Chris rushes over to me.

"Wh- where am I?" I ask.

"You in the hospital. You called me on the phone telling me you needed help. So I rushed to room 326, like you told me to. I had to go to the front desk and demand he open that room so I could rescue you. Do you remember."

"Oh god! I-I don't remember. What's wrong with me! Why can't  I remember?" I reply panicking.

"Relax, baby. It's ok if you don't remember. You had really bad head trauma. They had to induce you in a coma because your brain was so swollen." He says.

"How long was in a coma? I ask. 

"For a little over a month." He says slowly.

"What?!" I say as I try to sit up, but fall because of the sharp pain in my stomach.

I place my hand on my stomach and I feel stitches and a bump. I instantly remember that I was pregnant.

"Our baby. Is our baby okay?" I ask Chris as tears being to well up in my eyes.

"Our baby is fine. You were so lucky. They say that we brought you to the hospital in time. If we arrived 15 minutes later you would have lost the baby because of all the internal bleed you were having in you stomach." He says.

I run my hand over my stomach agian, but stop when I reach the stitches that are there. They feel new, not like they are a month old.

"The stitches? Why do I have stitches?" I ask.

"You had a ruptured spleen, hence the internal bleeding." He says.

"But why do my stitches feel so new if they are a month old." I ask.

"Well you didn't have surgery untill 2 days ago. Your brain was to swollen and they knew they would lose you if they did the surgery while your brain was that size." He tells me.

"Oh." I say.

Chris leans over and kiss my forehead. Then he stands up and heads for the door.

"Wait where are you going?" I ask frantically.

"I have to get the doctor and let him know that you are awake." He says tiredly.

I look at him and notice that he has dark rings under his eyes. He looks like he hasn't sleep in months and like he has been an emotional wreck.

"No, please come and lay with me. You look dead. Come lay down and sleep with me." I say.

"Ok, but first let me get the doctor so he could check you out and make sure that everything is alright.


"Well. You like your alright. Everything looks good. Your Vitals sound perfect and the CAT scan shows that you have no brain swelling. You should be able to go home in a week or even a few days." The doctor says and the walks out of the door.

Chris POV

The doctor says that everything seems alright and she should be able to go home pretty soon, which is great.

"Chris, come lay with me." Amber says.

I climb into the hospital bed and lay close to her. She place her head on my chest and I wrap my arms around her body tightly. I the place a light kiss on her forehead and the close my eyes and let sleep take over my body.


Sorry. I know that this chapter is short and sucky, but this is just a filler. Promise to update soon and that the next chapter will be a lot better.

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