Chapter 16

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Amber POV

"I signed all the hospital release forms. You are all set to go home." Chris says happily.

I smile and ask "Did you bring me some clothes to wear?"

"Yes they are right here." He say as he shows me a dress.

I give him a strange look, because it was a snazzy dress. A dress that is not meant to be worn when leaving a hospital.

"Yeah, I know. Why would I chose a snazzy dress like this one? It's because I thought it would be easier to put on since it's just one item." He says and then hands me the dress.

"Can you help me put it on? I am still having a hard time sitting up and standing." I tell him.

He places the dress on the bed and takes my hands. Just then something catches my eye. I pull my left hand away from his and look at the beautiful diamond ring that is on my finger.

I look up at him and ask "When did this get on my finger?" 

"I put it on your finger this morning while you were sleeping. You can officially wear it now." He says smiling.

"You got my fathers permission?" I ask stunned.

"Yea, I meant to tell you but everything got really crazy." He says.

I reach for his head and pull it close enough to mine so I can give him a kiss without any abdominal pain.

He breaks the kiss, smiles and says "Let's get you dressed.

He stand me up and pain shoots through my abdomen, causing me to whimper. Chris gives me a sympathetic look. He then unties the string of my hospital dress. I slip my arms out of my sleeves letting the hospital gown fall to floor and pool at my ankles. Chris places his hand on my stomach that has grown bigger. The bump is more noticeable than before. He then takes his fingers and softly traces the fresh stitches that are weaved in my skin on the left side of my stomach. The he places a soft loving kiss on my stomach.  Chris moves his attention back to getting me dress, he takes my left foot and lifts it up causing an intense pain to shoot across the left side of my abdomen. I let out a small yelp.

"I know baby, I'm sorry. Just one more leg and then I'll carry you to the car." Chris says sympathetically.

 He lifts up my right leg. This time the pain shoots across my whole stomach causing tears to pool and then slip out of my eyes. He lifts up the dress and I place my arms into the sleeves. He stands up and places a loving kiss on my lips. He then walks behind me and tries to zip my dress up.

"Uh, Amber the dress won't zip all the way. I think it's to small." Chris says.

"Well I am pregnant." I say nonchalantly.

"Yeah I know but I can't let you go out in public with you back out like this." Chris says.

"Do you have a jacket?" I ask.

"Yeah." He grabs his jacket that was lying on the chair. 

He helps me put the jacket on. He then lifts me up and carries me bridal style out of the hospital.


When we get outside there is a swarm of paparazzi snapping millions of photos and shouting a lot of different questions. 

Chris pushes through the crowd of people and makes it to the car. He opens the passenger side door and places me into the. He runs around the car and gets into the driver seat and drives out of the hospital parking lot.

Chris POV

I get back to the hotel and carry a sleeping Amber into our room. I carry her to the bed but knock over the garbage can that is filled with last months trash. I lay Amber on the bed and pull the blanket over her body. I then walk over to the trash that lays sprawled out on the floor and begin picking it up, but stop when a piece of white paper catches my eye.  I pick up the paper and begin to read it,

Hello Chris,

I miss you so much. We haven't seen each other in ages. I can't stop thinking about the last time we made love and you told me how beautiful I was. I can't believe that was years ago.

Anyway that worthless young little pregnant gold digger you were planning on marrying isn't right for you. Since you are to blind to

see it, I had to take matters into my into my own hands. She probably thinks that your a cheater, gosh she has such little faith in you. If I were herI would have believed you when you said that you never cheated. Do you really want to marry a girl who doesn't even have enough trust in you to believe you when you beg, plead and constantly tell her that you never 


She too young and immature for you. You need a REAL woman. Someone who could give you all you need. I am the right women for you. Your whole family loved me. So choose me!

Well since your a free man. Come see me. I am in room 326. I taped my room key to the back of this page.



Shock, anger, confusion and some other emotions run through me all at once. I look over to the bed that Amber lays peacefully sleeping in. I can't believe that Minka did this her. Wait, this technically isn't all Minka's fault. Amber should have told me about this, but instead she hid it from me. If she told me then I would have been there to protect her, but no. Instead, she hid it from not only putting herself in danger, but our child. It's bad that she put herself in danger, but our child. I can't believe that she would be so reckless. Anger is suddenly the only emotion that flows through me now. I sit in the desk chair that is next to the bed and wait. I am waiting for her to wake up so I can confront her about her incredibly stupid and reckless decision.

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