Chapter 6

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Chris POV

I have barley slept all night. I am scared shitless about meeting Amber's parents today. I need them to like-no love me. I have to marry Amber because I love her so much and she is carrying my unborn child. Shit, I forgot about that. How am I suppose to tell them that. I am dead meat.

"Chris, baby why are you so restless?" Amber asks. Her voice play the role of a life jacket, saving me from drowning in my own thoughts.

"Baby I'm fine; just go back to sleep" I tell her.

"Chris; we have been together for 3 years now. Do you honestly believe that you are able to lie to me?" She asks.

I give her a blank expression.

"So let's try again. What is making you so restless?" She asks.

"Nothing, I just can't sleep." I lie.

"Chris." She says sternly.

"Ok, fine. I am scared about meeting your parents." I reply giving in.

"Why are you scared?" Amber asks.

"Because, I want your parents to like me and be ok with us being together. I want to marry you some day and I am old- fashion, so I want to get your dads permission. I don't want to have to elope." I reply.

"Chris don't worry, they'll love you. Especially after they see how amazing you are as a person, to me and the baby." She tells me.

"Crap! I keep forgetting that you are pregnant. Now I really screwed! They are going hate me. I got their 19 year old daughter pregnant, and out of wedlock. God, why am I such a screw up." I cry.

"Hey," she says getting out of my arms and sitting up.

"Hey look at me." She says.

I peek up at her slight through my eyelashes. She look so beautiful, even without makeup and her hair a mess.

"Chris." She starts and then stop. She takes her hand and lifts me chin up so, that I am looking at her. Our faces only inches away for each other. God I want to kiss her right now.

" My parents opinion about you isn't going to change how I feel about you. Chris, you, I love you no matter what my parent think, because they aren't going to ever marry you, I am. I mean if you ever want to marry me." She says and then looks down.

I sit up and lift her chin back up and say "Of course I want to marry you." I start and can tell by the look in her eyes she wants to believe me but doesn't. "And no I am not just saying this to make you feel better." I tell her.

She looks back down. I sigh, get out of the bed and walk over to the the dresser on the other side of the room. Before opening it I look over my shoulder and see Amber watching me, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

I squat down and open the bottom draw. I move the clothes and feel around until my fingers touch a little swade box. I reluctantly take it out of the draw and walk back to the bed with it behind my back.

"Stand up." I tell her.

"Why?" She asks.

"Just do it please." I tell her.

"Ok?" She replies.

She stand up from the bed. I walk over to her and get down on one knee in front of her. A shocked express takes over her face. All her tiredness is replaced with happiness.

I take her hand, slide the small open box displaying the ring into it and say " I was hoping to do this differently, but here it goes. Amber Marie Sommers, I love you with everything in may heart and soul. My love for you is like the wind. You can't see it, but you can feel it. I promise to love you forever and always. So, will you make me the happiest man in the universe by being my wife? Will you marry me?

Her hands fly to her mouth and tears slide down her cheeks. My heart is beating 500 mile per hour and continues to pick up speed as I wait for her answer.

"Well?" I ask again.

With her hands still cover her mouth and tears still streaming down her cheeks she violently nods yes. I let out a sigh of relief.

I stand up take her left hand away from her mouth and slip the engagement ring onto her finger. She looks at it and stares.

Then she suddenly attacks my lips with her own. I pick her up and lay her on the bed. Lets just say that we had enjoyed the rest of the night together.

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