Chapter 9

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Chris POV

We go back to the table, eat our food and make small talk. After we finish eating
Mr.Sommers says "Chris do you like to golf?"

"Uh.. I guess. I mean I haven't really ever gone golfing before." I reply.

"Well, there is a first time for everything." Mr. Sommers states as he stands up for the table and places a $20 on the table as a tip for the waitress.

Everyone walks outside to the parking lot.

"Alright Chris the car is this way." Mr. Sommers informs me.

"Uh-." I say obviously very confused.

"Your coming with me to go golfing. I told you that inside the restaurant." He responds.

"Um. Ok." I say.

I begin to follow Mr. Sommers, but abruptly turn around and walk over to Amber and whisper in her ear "If I am not back at the hotel by 7:30 or don't call you informing you that I am ok by 5, call the police and file a missing persons report." I then place a quick kiss on her cheek and then peck her lips.

I walk up to her dad and we walk to the car.
After arriving to the golf course

Chris POV

We arrive to our designated golf course and Mr. Sommers passes me a golf club.

"Ok Evans lets see if you can make this hole." He says as he place the tee about 25 feet away from the hole.

I swing half-heartedly and the ball lands in the hole.

"Very good. You are a natural." He says.

"That was easy." I say confidently.

We than get back into the golf cart so we can go to a more challenging course. While we ride in the wobbly cart all I can think about is asking him for his daughters hand in marriage. This is the time to say something, but how. You know what I should just blurt it out. Yeah, that's a great idea.

"Mr.Sommers, I really love you daughter Amber. I would like to get your blessing before I ask her to marry me." I blurt out.

Suddenly he slams on the breaks causing the cart to jerk violently. The golfing bag flies forward hitting me in the head.

He then looks at me, takes a deep breath and then continues to drive. We arrive to our new course he steps out of the cart pass me a different club and place a tee on the ground around 100 feet away from the cart.

I walk up to him and ask "Was that a yes or a no?"

"Was what a yes or a no?" He asks as he positions himself in front of the tee?

"If I could have your blessing. I love your daughter more than anything in this world. I would do anything for her. I really would like to marry her, but I need your blessing first. I am kind of old-school." I say.

He looks up at me and lift his shinny silver golf club and points it at my face.

"Listen here Evans, give me one superb reason why i should give you my blessing." He says.

"Because I love her more than anything. I love her more than I love myself. I want to wake up next to her every morning. Have her voice be the last thing I hear and have her face be the last thing I see before I go to sleep every night. She is my better half, my missing puzzle piece. When I am with her I feel invincible." I say truly speaking from my heart.

"Ok, Mr.Evans." Mr. Sommer starts.

"If you ever break my daughters heart are do anything to harm her I will kill you. I swear." He says in a harsh and serious voice while violently waving the golf club in my face.

"I will never." I reply.

He puts the the golf club down, extends his hand and says "Welcome to then family. I give you my blessing."

"Thank you so much." I reply and shake his hand firmly.

He returns his attention to the the gold ball on the tee. Repositions himself and swings. The ball goes flying to somewhere far from where we are.

"Lets go, Evans. We have to see where the ball went." Mr. Sommers says as
he gets into the cart.

I join him and we begin to drive to the location of where the ball should be.

"So, did you get the ring yet? When do plan on asking her?" Mr. Sommers asks.

"Yes I have a ring and It's beautiful. It's a 15 carat diamond ring. Some of the diamonds came from a few of my family heirlooms. I am going to ask her to marry me tonight at dinner." I tell him.

"Wow, that's a nice and heartfelt ring. Well good luck tonight, but I doubt you'll need it. She really loves. I can tell by the way she looks at you. Anyway when do you hope to get married?" Mr. Sommers asks.

"I hope to marry her no later than 6-7 months from now. I reply.

"That's so soon, what's the rush." He asks me.

"Because-" I start, but then realize that now is not the right time to tell him that Amber is pregnant with my child.

"Because?" Mr. Sommer questions.

"Because I just want it to be official as soon as possible. I want to the world to know that she is mine." I reply.

"That's understandable, but don't rush this. It takes time to plan a wedding." He replies.

We spend the next hour golfing and then Mr. Sommers drops me back to my the hotel, where my future wife awaits.
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