Chapter 17

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Chris POV

I must have fallen asleep because I wake to see an empty bed in front of me. I hear rustling in the bathroom. I get out of the chair and walk into the bathroom. Amber is in there sitting on the floor her head laying on the toilet seat and one hand on her stomach. I smile because her baby bump has gotten bigger. She is 12 weeks pregnant. You can tell she is pregnant now. Her parents still don't know.

"Baby?" I ask seeing if she is awake.

"Mmmmmm" She moans.

"Baby, are you ok?" I ask bending down and rubbing her back.

"Yeah just morning sickness." She says.

"Come on let me carry you back to bed." I offer.

she nods her head and I carry her to the bed. I slowly place her down and put the covers over her. I glance at the clock 7:15 am. Then I slide into bed next to her. She places her head on my chest.

"Sorry for waking you up. I know that you have filming in the morning." She says lifting her head and looking at me.

"No it's fine. The director gave me 2 months off. We are leaving tomorrow night and going back to LA." I tell her.

What? Really? That's great you get to be with me when I go to the next few prenatal appointments. I already called and made appointments." She tells me. 

"Really? When did you make the appointments?" I ask her.

"I made them while you were sleeping. Oh, and my parent should be stopping by at 8. They want to come and see how I am doing. Also they already know about me being pregnant right?" She replies.

"Oh and no they don't know that you are pregnant." I tell her.

Ambers POV

"They don't know I am pregnant? How don't they know? They were at the hopital right?" I ask Chris 

"Yea they were there for the first 2 weeks but they had to go back to work. The doctor didn't tell them because there was a 75% chance that you were going to lose the baby. The doctor said that they was only 50% chance that you were going to survive. So the doctor didn't tell them because they didn't even think that they could save the baby. You were just really lucky. They said whatever happened to you was very serious and that it was no accident. They believe that however did this to you had intentions for you to never wake up again. Or if you did happen to wake up you wouldn't be pregnant anymore or ever for that matter. Amber they said that if you had lost the baby, you would never had been able to get pregnant ever again. The doctor said that the lose of the baby would have left way to much scar tissue for you to be able to get pregnant again. I don't think you know how luck you are." Chris says as he rubs soothing circles on my back.

Guilt. That is the only emotion that I feel right now. This would have been all my fault if I lost my child. I would have caused Chris to leave me because I wouldn't have been able to have children. There would have been no do overs, no let try to have another one. I would have given Minka exactly what she wanted. For me to be completely out of the picture.

"Amber, I know who caused the accident. I was mad at first, but I am not anymore. So, please just tell me what exactly happened." Chris says and then sighs.

Oh god he knows. Ok Amber just tell him. No push him. See if he is bluffing first.

"What do you mean by who. I am not sure what you mean. Can you be more specific?" I ask him.

I watch as his face turns a light tint of red, symbolizing his growing anger. 

"Amber, I know about the letter that Minka wrote. One addressed to you and one addressed to me. I also know that you went up to her hotel room that night to put her in her place but it got out of hand. You put my child and yourself in serious danger. You have no idea what it was like to have to accept the fact that my child or both you my child were going to die and there was absolutely nothing I could do about. I watch you for a whole entire month and hoped that I wouldn't lose my first and only chance of being a parent with you. Then I also prayed that I wouldn't lose the both of you. Do you have any idea what it felt like? No! You have no idea what it felt like, because you never had to go through it! So could you tell me what happened?! I believe that I at least deserve that much, especially after what you had put me through!" Chris says as he get out of the bed, stands up and looks at me.

He was right. He did deserve the truth. I looked at him and now his once pale white face is as red as a coal of fire. 

I sit up and squeal in pain. He watches me and his face softens a bit.

"Ok, I'll tell you what happened. I went up to Minka's room to end this. I didn't want her to be a threat to our growing family anymore. I was so angered by the fact that she not only lied to break us up, but she threatened our unborn childs life. When I got there we started arguing. She started crying and saying how she wasn't good enough to be in a relationship. So of course me being a person with a heart, I tried to tell that she was beautiful and that she would find someone else. I told her all she had to do was get over you, move on and stopping looking for love because it would find her. She looked up at me and said that I was right, but she didn't want to get over you. Then she kicked me in the stomach. I punched her in the face and called you and told you to come and help me. She hit with something hard in the head and everything went black." I told him.

His face turned back it's original color.

He went to say something, but there was a knock at the door.

I got out of bed and rushed to answer the door, despite the server pain I was feeling.

"Oh my god! Are you pregnant?" My dad asks anger evident on his face.  


Ok so this was just a filler. In order for me to update I need at least 4 comments. The picture of Ambers belly is on the side.

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