Chapter 11

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AN: I changed the chapter because I didn't like it. This chapter is short but I will update later on today. Let me know if you like this one better

Chris's POV

"I am back." I say as I walk into the room. I slide the food on the table. As I go to look up, I receive a hard slap across my face.

"What the hell!?" I say as I involuntarily touch my pulsing cheek.

I make eye contact with Amber and see looks like she has been crying her eyes out.

"You cheating on me son of a bitch! How could you do this to me-to us?" She yells.

"What are you talking about?" I ask. I am seriously confused right now.

She slams a letter against my chest.


Ambers POV

I watch Chris's eyes widen and frantically scan the letter.

While he is reading I grab my clothes and throw them into my suitcase. I grab my wallet off the dresser.

"This is ridiculous! She is lying! I swear that I haven't seen her since before we met." Chris says.

I pick up my suitcase and walk toward the door. As I reach for the door handle he grabs my arm.

"Where are you going?" He asks frantically.

"I am catching the next flight to LA."

I say.

"Please you have to believe me." He begs.

"Goodbye chris." I say as I open the door.

"Please, don't let us be over. I love you. Please don't do this." He says as he holding my arm.

"Chris." I start.

"Please." I he begs.

"Please let go of my arm." I tell him sternly.

He lets go as a tears rolls down his cheek.

"Good bye Chris." I says and walk out of the door

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