Chapter 21

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Amber's POV

"You weren't suppose to be home yet." Minka says nonchalantly.

I look at her like she is crazy. Oh, wait she is!

"What the hell are you doing here? I ask her, as I blindly move toward a glass counter by the door. I reach behind my back grabbing the hardest and sharpest thing I can find and hold it behind my back. I feel what I believe to be a weapon.

"I was originally here to wreck you house. I already destroyed the first floor and was going to the second floor, but you came home earlier than I thought. You weren't suppose to be back for a couple of days. Chris wasn't suppose to get off for a few more days, but you woke up earlier than I anticipated." She says as she picks up a vase and then drops it on the floor. It shatters agains the polished wood floor.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask moving closer to her.

She sighs heavily and then says "I thought we went over this already, you are the problem! Gosh, I can't believe that Chris is marry is stupid! Like seriously, Chris you could have done better."

"Excuse me?!" I ask infuriated. Like seriously? She not only snuck into my house, destroyed half of it, and now she has the audacity to call me stupid.

"Oh, and you even like comprehension. Gosh, you really are a charity case aren't you. Chris must have been desperate when he meet you." She says as she lifts up her leg and forcefully smashes my living room glass table.

That was it I lost it! I took what ever was behind my back and hit her square in the head and dashed for the kitchen. I pile up as many pots, pans, silverware, knives and plates as I can as ammo.

Minka comes running threw the kitchen door. She has a smirk on her face, lifts up a banana and asks "Did, you really throw a banana at my head? Seriously?"

A banana? That's what I had manage to sneakily grab from the counter. It was a banana.

"Look, Minka we can do this the easy way. You can walk out of that door and we can forget all about this. I will say that I came home and the house was wrecked. Or we can fight it out, which I don't recommend." I say.

" I think I will go with fighting it out because-" she starts

I interrupted her by throwing a plate at her and it hit her right in her forehead, causing it shatter. She stumbles at first but regains her balance. She reaches for her forehead, which is bleeding. She then scream "You Bitch!"

She dashes for me and I instinctively grab a pot and a knife. I throw the pot and it hits her in her shoulder causing her to yelp out in pain, but she shakes it off and keeps coming toward me. As soon as she is close enough I stab her in the stomach. Her eyes go wide and begin to slightly glaze over. I immediately run for the stairs and run straight for the bedroom and shut the door behind me.

Minka's POV

I get up from the floor slowly and grab my stomach, which still has the knife plunged into it. I grab a knife off of the kitchen counter and slowly proceeded to make my way up the stairs. I check every room and finally find the room that the bitch, Amber is in. I swear I am going to kill her. I turn the knob and open the door, exposing a frantic Amber who is talking on the phone with someone. It is either Chris or the police.

"Oh, Amber." I say in a creepy tone

She turns around, let's out a high pitched scream and drops there phone. I lung toward her stabbing her right in the stomach. I stab her at least 10 times. Blood flies everywhere and some of it splashed on my clothes. Amber falls to ground. I quickly and careful change my clothes. I look at Amber who lays unconscious on the floor in a pool of blood. I grab my bloody clothes and get out of the house as fast as I can manage, especially because I still have a knife in my abdomen. I get in to my car, which I parked down the block and rush to the hospital.

Chris POV

I was on my way back home after getting food for Amber and I when I received a frantic call from Amber. Amber was hysterical and informed that she was scared because Minka was at the house and that she was going to kill her. I slammed on the gas and floored it home. I rush out of the car and straight to the front door. I fumble with my key, but then realize that the door is open. I rush through front door. I look at my house and see that it has been destroyed. It literally looked like a tornado hit the place. I run upstair, which looks even worse then downstairs. I notice a body on the floor in the master bedroom. I go inside and see a still Amber lying on the floor in what seems to be a pool of her own blood.

I rush over to her and see that she is laying in so much blood. The first thing that crosses my mind is, SHE IS DEAD.

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