Chapter 14

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Ambers POV

I open the door.

"Damn, Chris what took you so long?" Minka asks as she turns the desk chair that she is sitting in and faces me. She is wearing red lingerie.

"What the hell?" I ask.

"What!? What are you doing here? You were suppose to be gone!" She says.

"You can't get rid of me that easily." I say arrogantly.

She stands up from the chair and says. "Well, I guess I will have to take more drastic measures. "

She dash towards, grabs my neck and chokes me. I instinctively punch her incredibly hard in the face . Her hands leave my neck and go to her now bleeding nose.

"Listen, you physcopathic bitch, you are going to stay away from me and Chris! Do you understand!?" I say.

"I understand very clearly. Actually, I found a pefect way to stay away from Chris and your relationship." She says as she lets go of her no longer badly bleeding nose.

"Good then use that way." I say as I turn around and walk toward the door. I hear sobbing, I stop and turn around to see a crying Minka. I start to walk toward her, but hesitate. This woman just try to ruin my relationship and threatned my childs life, I can't give this woman sympathy. I turn back around and head for the door.

"I am sorry." Minka says.

I stop dead in my tracks, turn around and say "What?"

"I am so sorry, I just love Chris so much. He was my everything. He promised me forever and then her left me. He made me feel so special. I don't think I will ever find a guy like him." She says.

"I walk over to her and place my hand on her shoulder "Look, Minka you are a beautiful woman and I bet you are a great person. There is a guy out there for you. You just have to forget about Chris and live your life" I say.

"Yeah your right." Minka starts and stands up. "But, I rather not live without Chris. So, you need to be taken out of the equation." She says and then kicks me extremely hard in the stomach.

I react almost instantly by taking her head and slaming on the desk next to her. I grab my stomach and attempt to walk towards the door, but fall to the floor. I feel a warm substance run down my legs. I place my hand on my leg to see what it is. It's blood! Oh dear god, I am having a miscarriage. I take my phone out of the back pocket of my shorts and call Chris. After the 5th ring a sleepy Chris anwsers.

"Hello?" He say in his raspy morning voice.

"Chris! Help me! I need help. Please come quick!" I scream.

"What?! Where are you?" He asks franticaly.

"Come quick! I am in room 326!" I yell.

"What!?" What the hell are you doing in there?! He asks.

"M-" I start but stop because everything goes black.


I know that it is short. Sorry, but I really wanted to update. I am not in love with this chapter so I might end up adding to it later or changing it completely. Let me know if you like it. Also, sorry for the cliffhanger. Yeah, I know I am evil ;)

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