Chapter 4

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Chris POV

I wake up to the beep of an alarm clock, that states 6:45 am, the smell of pancakes and an empty bed.

I slam the snooze button and shout "Amber!"

"Yea." She says walking out of the bathroom with wet hair and a towel wrapped around her body.

"Your up already?" I asked her.

"Yea, I've been up since 6 (am). There is breakfast on the desk from the buffet downstairs." She replies.

"Ok thanks. Why didn't you wake me up?" I ask her .

"I woke you up all night." She replied.

"It's ok, you could have still woken me up." I say.

"No you needed some sleep. Also the director called, he said that today you only have to train for two hours, 1 hour lunch break and then rehearse a few new stunts and fight sequences. Also after you eat you can go back to sleep because you don't have to be there until 10." Amber tells me.

"Ok." I reply

12 noon

Amber's POV

I didn't want to eat lunch with Chris because he was going to be eating in the work out gym, but like always he persuaded me into going. I don't want to go to the gym because Scarlet is going to be there. She hates me and we always fight. She hates me because she wants Chris.

I walk into the gym and see Chris bench pressing shirtless. It is so sexy how his sweat makes his torso glisten. Scarlet is standing next to him trying to act flirty and sexy. I walk closer causing her to see me. She scoffs and rolls her eyes. Chris looks over to see who it is. His eyes light up when he sees me. He puts down the weight and walked over to me.

" I am so happy you came." He said and hugs me.

"Eww! Your all sweaty, at least put a shirt on." I reply.

"You know you love it. Don't deny it, I was sweaty like this last night." He said pulling away and winking.

"Chris you still owe 20 push ups." Joe the fitness trainer yelled.

"Damn." He mumbled.

"I'll count them for you."Scarlet says as she comes walking over, swaying her hips more then needed.

"Ok." Chris says.

I give him a dirty look.

"No need to be jealous." Scarlet says with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah. Why are you jealous. You are going to be my motivation." Chris says with a smile on my face.

"And how am I suppose to do that?" I asked with a bit of agitation in my voice.

"Simple lay down on the floor." He says.

"Ok. Now what?" I asked.

He got into push up position and was right above me. We were starring into each others eyes.

"Ready to count Scarlet?" Chris asks.

"Yea." Scarlet replied.

"Ok." He responded back.

He did a push and when he was as far down as he could go he kissed me and came back up.

"1" Scarlet said and scoffed.

He did the same thing. And by the tine he got up to 5 push-up or more like 5 slow push-up kisses Scarlet says "If you guys are going to do this for all 20 push-ups then Amber can count herself."

She walks away which cause me to smile.

25 extra push-ups later. Fitness trainer Joe goes around and takes orders for what we want to eat. Chris ordered some healthy stuff and I order Chinese food. Yummy!

Chris, me, Sebastian Stan, Cobie Smulders and Scarlet Johansson were sitting in a semi-circle and having random conversations when Scarlet randomly says "Let's play truth or dare."

"That is such a childish game don't you think." Cobie says.

"Yeah but we have a child here." She says looking directly at me.

Chris grabs my hand and squeezes it reassuringly. "Do you have to insult Amber all the time?" Chris asks Scarlet.

"No, I was just joking." She chuckles trying to play it off.

"Let's play." Sebastian says.

"Ok I'll start."Scarlett's says.

Everyone nods there head in approval.

"Ok, so Chris. Truth or dare?"

"Truth." Chris says

"Aww, you no fun. Anyway do you think that I am pretty?" She asks blushing.

"Of course I do." Chris replies.

"Ok. Amber, truth or dare." Chris asks.

"Dare." I reply.

"I dare you and Scarlet to fix the problems that you have with each other." He says.

"Ok. Scarlet, how do you want to settle this?" I ask.

"Let's have a boxing match. The person who gets knocked out loses and has to do what the winner says to end our problems." She says.

"Absolutely not!" Chris says.

"Deal." I say.

"No! Amber remember this does not only effect you." Chris says. I get that he is hinting to the baby.

"I know, but I am doing this. Lets fight Scarlet." I says.

"Ok, but I hope you know I practiced fighting for this movie." She says smirking.

"I didn't forget." I say. Little does everyone know, I use to do MMA when I was younger.

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