Chapter 2

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Rhea never left the compartment, choosing instead to concentrate on her owl. Albus wished that she would leave, so he could comfort Scorpius.

Scorpius had resumed his blank staring into the window, knees huddled up against his chest.

Albus bit his lip, and glanced at the fabric that cushioned the chairs. The thread lined the material in elaborate patterns, seeming to go on forever.

He hoped that would be like his and Scorpius' friendship. Everlasting.

Then, the horrible silence was broken by a simple question. "Are you guys dating, or something?" Rhea questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Scorpius spewed out his pumpkin juice that he had been drinking, looking gobsmacked.

Albus froze. Shit.

To break the tension that had risen in the air after the question had been asked, Albus replied, "Um, no," accompanied by an awkward laugh. "We're best friends."

If Albus wasn't waiting for Rhea's comment, he would seen the quick flicker of hurt on Scorpius' face.

Suddenly, the train rounded a curve, then Albus finally saw it.


The spires that touched the cloudy, azure sky were weathered, albeit quite impressive.

The windows were scattered around the stone, stretching around the massive slabs of rock; hinting at cozy dorms, hot chocolate, and late nights.

The castle itself though, was a whole other world.

It was of a mammoth size, an incredible sight to behold. It had a tone of comfort and joy, that it would welcome you with open arms.

But would Hogwarts want me? The son of the famous Harry Potter, only to have magic similar to a Squib? Albus wondered.

The train slid smoothly into a halt at the platform, emerald greenery shadowing the edges of the Forbidden Forest. This lush nature, though, had a dark side.

Albus was jolted out of his gazing in wonderment as Rhea slid the compartment door open with a bang!, her onyx robes swishing and signalling her silent farewell.

Albus silently glanced over at Scorpius, who had gotten their trunks. He held one of the trunks out, meeting Albus' eyes. "Shall we?" He asked, raising a platinum blonde eyebrow.

Albus paused, then replied with a soft nod. Together, the two friends made their way out of the train, and into a whole new year of their wizarding education.

A whole new year filled with possibilities.

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