Chapter 3

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The platform was filled with bustling pupils, fetching their trunks and hooting owls, searching for their friends.

Two boys stood together silently in the midst of this commotion, gazing upon this scene.

They already had their trunks, and no magical creature to speak of. Friends to find? No.

All they had was each other.


James silently watched his brother quietly converse with the Malfoy boy, the two sitting unusually close together.

He observed as Albus shifted slightly, leaning closer to his friend. The way his brother looked at Scorpius...

Was it possible? No.

But maybe it was.


Albus shifted closer to his friend, seeking warmth from the stares at the Slytherin table.

The air was filled with the aroma of juicy chicken, melting butter, and steaming rice; but that didn't distract him from the curious glances directed his way.

Things had blown up after the Timeturning incident, and Albus had gradually grown sick of the constant train of questions that followed him around in the corridors.

The inquiring students quickly learned that Albus would let their words sift uselessly through his ears, staring blankly ahead and shoving them aside.

Albus just didn't want to reminisce the horrific experience he went through with the past.

He chose to, instead, concentrate on his future.

Hopefully with his best friend, that is.

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