Chapter 45

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All the puzzle pieces were coming together.

Albus had Scorpius, his best friend and boyfriend.

Scorpius had finally reconnected with his father, and after a couple of dinners together, they had reconciled, with Draco apologising for everything he had ever done.

While the apologies would never completely heal the jagged scars that marked Scorpius, they would at least lend to the process.

The pair had made it through the extended holiday, courtesy of Peeves,  without raising suspicion from Albus' parents (or, so they thought).

And now, the time was coming to an end, marked by the jumbled suitcases that robes and extra parchment were placed neatly and with care into the compartment, and the tangible enthusiasm of going back to the student's beloved school.

Let's go back to Chapter One, my dear readers, and take a peek inside the pair's feelings.

Albus: A befuddled mess, lining his emotions for his best friend with caution tape, and forever worrying about how to live up to his parent's image.

Scorpius: Shards of broken glass, an object to be handled with care, a result of his mother's death and his father slipping into insanity.

A much different portrait to now, don't you think?

Now, let's head back to the story, shall we?

Albus Potter still has the matter of his parents to deal with.


The Hogwarts train quietly wheezed, a puff of smoke trailing out of the funnel.

The nine and three quarters platform was abuzz with students, eager to get back to their lessons and friends. A variety of owls fluttered in their cages, anticipating the moment when they could stretch their magnificent wings freely.

Two boys- one with alabaster skin and snowy hair, the other with a faint, freckled tan and tousled, onyx locks- were side by side, fingers touching.

They were conversing softly, the young Potter throwing not-so-subtle looks at his parents, and the Malfoy encouraging him in a low tone.

Finally, the dark-haired boy inhaled deeply, and strode over to his mother and father, anxiety exuding from his every pore.

It was a quick jumble of words that tumbled out of Albus' mouth, accompanied with a rose blush and a glance at his feet, waiting for his parent's response.

The woman with hair of fire hugged her son, and whispered words of comfort into his ear- We don't care, as long as you're happy-, and the man laughed, a joyous sound, and patted his son on the shoulder, remarking about how he would now have two son-in-law's.

The young Potter blushed, and jokingly retorted to the remark made by his father, and headed back to Scorpius. Albus took Scorpius' hand, and the young Malfoy grinned at his boyfriend, wrapping his fingers around the other boy's hand.

Scorpius waved goodbye to his father, who was gradually reaching the point where he was healthy and well, and the pair set off, ready for the adventures that awaited them.

The End.

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