Chapter 37

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This scene is continued from Chapter 36.

Draco Malfoy had to get away.

Away from the memories, the pain, the confusion.

When he found out about Scorpius' feelings, Draco kept quiet. He would deal with it later. As Astoria had gotten worse, her condition deteriorating, he had stayed by her side, protecting her.

Until she left him, leaving him with a cold, uninviting house, and a son that he had grown to hate.

Draco's bitten, worried nails scraped against his palm, creating indents in his pale skin.

Priya, his therapist, kept a calm face at his outburst. "You are requesting a new therapist?" Her tone was questioning.

The Malfoy's breathing was erratic at the sudden memory. "I-I keep... Losing everyone..." He muttered faintly.

"Pardon?" She raised an eyebrow.

Gradually, he sunk to the carpeted floor, wrapping his arms around him for security. "My wife... My son..."

Priya gently stood up from her seat, fluidly walking over to his curled-up figure, and knelt down. Her skin was the colour of milk chocolate, blemished only by a worried line running across her forehead. "Are you quite alright?"

Biting her lip, she smoothed out her navy pencil skirt, and proffered a hand, helping Draco back to his seat. "What happened with your wife? Your son?" She asked gently.

Although Priya was a witch, she preferred to stay out of the magical world, choosing instead to reside in the Muggle areas with her soon-to-be wife, Quinn. That choice resulted in limited, scarce knowledge of the goings-on and gossip that happened in the wizarding world.

Draco inhaled shakily, closing his eyes for a moment. "My wife, Astoria- she- she died about four or five months back. I've lost count of the time."

Priya nodded sympathetically. "I'm so sorry. I had a sister who I lost to cancer a couple of years back. I know how you're feeling- its horrible, isn't it?"

Once Priya had spoken, Draco was silent. The relation between their tragedies- losing someone important- made it easier for him to communicate, in a way.

He looked down, then nodded. "Yes, it is."

The therapist paused. "And, your son?" She twirled her ink pen in her fingers, waiting.

Malfoy inhaled sharply. Tapping his foot against the carpet, he considered his words carefully. "This is confidential?"

Priya nodded in confirmation, "Yes, it is. I am under law to never share information about my clients."

Draco looked down at his lap, twisting his hands around, fiddling with the wedding band on his ring finger that he had never taken off. "It's... Quite hard to explain it," he admitted.

"Try," Priya encouraged.

"It's just- I-" He struggled for words, his breath catching in his throat. "My son, Scorpius... Is friends with the child of my past enemy... And Scorpius told me after his first year... That he liked him."

Priya paused at the information, taking the details in. "And, which part is the problem?"

Draco hesitated. "All of it."

She nodded slowly, pen raised above her report paper. "Who is your enemy?" She asked.

"Harry Potter."

Priya stopped her writing, pausing for a moment. Now, that name, she knew.


Sorry about the length, this is just a really important scene that needs to be gone over. It will be continued in the next chapter, maybe in the next one after that too.

Again, apologies :(

I've been thinking about coming to an end for this story. Not yet, though! First, I need to wrap up all the plot strings :)

Chapter Question:

Now that you have been given a detailed description (that is yet to be continued) of the character of Draco Malfoy, has your feelings about him changed at all, or no? Explain.

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