Chapter 27

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Scorpius' skin was suprisingly warm.

Albus Potter was lying in bed, a passed-out Scorpius curled up beside him, head close to Albus' elbow.

His platinum strands tickled the Potter boy's flesh, and a small smile appeared on Albus' face.

The dinner a few hours before was a simple affair, roasted vegetables and a juicy chicken. Albus was a bit worried that it would seem cheap to his best friend, but Scorp had seemed to love it.

Albus could barely keep the grin off his face as he recalled Scorpius' enthused smile as he stuffed the meat into his mouth, and Ginny's approving expression as she urged him to eat more.

It was nice, just lying here.

Next to his best friend, whose hair smelled of sunshine and strawberries. Next to Scorpius, who Albus would do anything for.

Next to the boy who had stolen his heart.


Hello there! Sorry about the wait for this one, I was quite busy with travel and such.

A special chapter is soon to arrive, as I already have it written. It's from a perspective other then Scorpius and Albus. Can you guess who?

(Hint: No, its not James.)

alexamzt has offered to translate this story into Spanish, which is quite an exciting opportunity for this novel and I! Check out her profile for future updates.

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