Chapter 29

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When Albus had padded down the stairs, his mother gave him an odd look. "Hello, Albus." She had greeted, a queer sort of smile on her face. Then, she had raised an eyebrow. "Where's Scorpius?"

Albus yawned. "He's still in bed," he replied.

Ginny lowered her eyes. "Ah. Okay."

She continued to stir the pancake batter with vigour, refusing to look at her son. Albus raised an eyebrow. "Everything okay, Mum?"

She paused for a moment, then hesitantly nodded. "Yes, dear. Could you continue to stir the batter while I prepare the dishwasher?"

With that, she set down the bowl, handing it to Albus. With a flick of her wand, and a muttered incantation, the dirty dishes gently hovered up, then neatly arranged themselves into the dishwasher. Another flourish of her wand, and the dishwasher shut close, and began rubbing the grime away with soapy water.

Ginny turned back to Albus. "Well, that's it. Will you be okay to do the rest of the pancakes?"

Albus had barely nodded before Ginny whisked away, her crimson hair flowing behind her.

What was wrong with her?


I will be doing chapter questions from now on. :)

Chapter Question:

What was Ginny expecting from Albus' future? Do you think she is entirely open to the fact that her son is gay?

(Hint: look at previous chapter for help)

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