Chapter 36

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His wife was gone.

His son was corrupted.

Draco Malfoy was gradually going insane, mind spiralling into loose threads, snapping and deteriorating.

He slumped in the leather chair, eyes not focusing on the person placed in front of him.

The room he was in was coated in blank white, not marred by any colours or hues at all. The effect was meant to be soothing, but in Draco's opinion, it was maddening. It bored into his mind, drilling a hole that ached.

The Malfoy's thoughts were broken by a clearing of the throat, a simple cough. The therapist glanced up from her paper, rasing a plucked eyebrow. "Well, Draco Malfoy. Never thought I'd see you here."

Malfoy glared weakly. "Let's get this over with, Priya." he coughed.

Returning back to her report, she set the file down after reading. She set her elbows down on the oak desk, a relaxed move. "So, I see your father, Lucius Malfoy sent you here?"

Draco didn't make eye-contact, choosing instead to stare at the wall. "He thought I was... In need of help." He clenched his fist at the last word.

The therapist sensed his discomfort, and didn't pry. "How are you feeling lately?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Ah, so we're getting into our emotions now?" He scoffed. "No, no, let's continue. Get into a group chat while we're at it."

Priya wasn't deterred. "Actually, communication about our moods can be quite helpful. I use the tactic when my fiancé is stressed, and she finds it quite helpful."

Malfoy paused at the use of the pronoun. "She?"

Priya smiled dryly. "Yes. Can we please continue?"

Draco shook his head, almost violently, and began getting out of the chair. "I would like to request a new therapist," he attempted, hands shaking as an early memory began to surface.

"Dad? Can we talk?"

"Of course, son. What is it?"

Scorpius, fresh out of his first year at Hogwarts, pulled at his worn jeans, nervous. "Um, its actually two questions."

Draco laughed, resting the newspaper down. "Wow, quite curious, aren't we?"

Scorpius smiled sheepishly. "Ha, ha. Right, okay, one: is Mum alright? She's been really quiet lately."

Draco frowned slightly, but then covered it up with a smile. "Yes, son. She's just a bit tired. What's the other question?"

Scorpius hesitated for a few seconds, then blushed. Draco's mouth curved up. "What is it?"

The younger Malfoy looked away, embarrassed. "I think I like someone."

Draco laughed, beaming from ear to ear. Scorpius scowled at his reaction. "Stop it! Please, just be serious about this," he begged, quite grumpy.

Draco struggled to keep calm, finally plastering a blank expression on. "Who is it?"

Scorpius bit his lip, shuffling his feet around. "Albus."


*Stares blankly at screen*

What have I gotten myself into

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