Chapter 34

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Albus was glued to the carpet, limbs seemingly paralysed and frozen, refusing to move.

The warm press of Scorpius' lips to his was exhilarating and intoxicating, making the Potter boy's head whirl.

The frustrating fact though, was that he couldn't kiss back. Albus was lost in the heat of the moment, dizzy and overflowing.

But then, the taste of Scorpius' lips were gone, forgotten like a lost memory.

Scorpius' eyes were wet with repressed tears, refusing to look Albus in the eye. "I'm sorry," he managed to stammer out. "I shouldn't have done that- it was wrong-"

His hands were clawing at his platinum hair, cheeks drained of all colour possible. Albus' throat was closed off, vocal chords silenced. He wanted to comfort Scorpius, to tell him everything was okay.

But he couldn't.

Scorpius finally muttered a quiet, soft, "I'm sorry," then padded out of the room as quickly as he could.



Oops :)

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