Chapter 43

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Ginny was hurriedly pacing around the Potter's bedroom, her anxiety perceivable. Her crimson hair trailed behind her, like tongues of flaming fire.

Harry Potter lounged on the chair, newspaper propped up on his lap. His onyx hair was tousled, curling over the faint, lighting shape scar that he was famous for.

He frowned, glancing up from the moving pictures and shifting words. "Gin, what's wrong?" He questioned her.

"Hmm? Oh, nothing, dear," She absently replied.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? You're pacing."

Ginny's head snapped up, only now conscious of her actions. "Oh?" It was more of a question then a statement.

"Is everything okay?"

The red-headed woman nodded slightly, who was now chewing on her lip to relieve her anxiety.

Her husband sighed. "Gin, please? I feel like the room is about to overheat, what with all your pacing and whatnot."

She took a deep breath, tilting her head, carefully sorting through what she would say. "Did you hear about the attack on the wizard, a couple of days ago?"

"Ginny, I-"

"Please, just answer the question."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows, thinking back to the newspaper that was released three days before. "Uh, yes, I did. Horrible, isn't it? Being pelted with pebbles and insults. Let the bloke love who he wants, that's what I say."

Ginny looked suprise at his response. "You think it's okay for two men to be together?" Shock seeped through her tone.

Harry shrugged. "Yes, I suppose so. Don't you?"

"Yes- yes, of course. I-there's something I need to tell you." She stammered out, biting her lip.

The Potter glanced up, suddenly worried. Placing down the newspaper down on the chair, he strode over to his wife. "Is everything okay?"

Ginny looked down at her sock-clad feet. "It's about Scorpius and Albus," she softly admitted, her big toe niggling at the loose hole in the well-worn carpet.

Harry snorted. "If it's about them being together, don't bother. I already know."

Ginny's head flew up, shock permeating her expression. "You- you did? How did you know?" Her tone was disbelieving.

The Potter smiled. "Wasn't it obvious? The two are quite close. You'd have to be blind to not see the pair have a connection," he said. "How did you find out?"

His wife blushed. "I saw them cuddling."

Harry shrugged. "Ah. Well, yes. Two young kids in love."

With that, he lightly kissed Ginny on her freckled forehead and headed back to his chair, shaking out his newspaper, and resumed his reading.

Ginny Potter stood slightly shell-shocked in the middle of the room, blown away by the conversation she just had.

By Merlin, she did not expect that.


Chapter Question:

Why do you think Ginny was so surprised by Harry's acceptance of their son loving a boy?

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