Chapter 41

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After Draco had been on the anti-depression meds that Priya had subscribed him for about a week, he felt different. It was a lucid, placid feeling; almost like floating on pure, fluffy clouds.

Back when he was younger, happier, he took for granted this emotion. He didn't understand how powerful the feeling was, until he lost it.

He was going to change, Draco Malfoy knew that. He just needed to take baby steps; little actions, one at a time.

And calling his son was one of them.

Hands shaking, he gradually pressed his thumb down to each button that would bring him closer to Scorpius. Draco jumped when the phone vibrated, ringing out its general tone as it connected.

He prayed, sending his thoughts out to anyone and anything that was listening that Scorpius would pick up.

"Hello?" The voice was garbled by poor signal, but it was definitely Scorpius.

Draco's words stuck in his throat, clogging his oxygen. What would he say?

Breath slightly stuttering, he cleared his throat, and spoke into the microphone. "Uh, hello, Scorpius."

The other end was silent, save for a few fuzzy background noises. Pressing the audio closer to his ear, Draco struggled to make out the whispered conversation.

"... What should I do?" Scorpius. His voice was hissing, obviously trying to keep quiet.

"... Your father?" Wait. He had heard that voice before, a replica of his childhood enemy-

Albus Potter? Draco wasn't surprised, the two were quite tight knit after all, a bond he used to condemn.

The hushed whispers continued on for a couple of beats, then eventually, Scorpius spoke up. "What do you want?" His tone was accusatory, with a hint of fear.

"I-I wanted to know if everything was okay. And- I want to-to apologize."

Draco hated how his voice stuttered, tripping on the words that slid from his mouth.

"... Oh." Scorpius' shock seeped into his voice. "Um, what exactly for? You've... Done a lot of things that I didn't get an apology for."

Hurt cracked his son's voice, and Draco's heart panged with agony as he recalled the horrendous behaviour that was directed towards his son.

"I-I've been to see someone who helps with this kind of... Thing. They've really helped... And ever since I realised how I've been acting recently, I couldn't live like that without speaking to you, so... Here I am. And I'm so sorry, Scorp."

The speech was filled with awkward breaks and pauses, and was quite choppy and hesitant. But, it felt so good, to be able to communicate to Scorpius that the slate had been wiped clean.

There was a sharp inhale at the end of Draco's ramble from the young Malfoy's side, and anxiety boiled in Draco's stomach.

He hesitated, fingers wobbling on the sides of the phone. "... I understand if you don't accept the apology, and wish to never speak to me again."

A beat passed, before Scorpius spoke into the phone. "I- can I just have... Some time? To process, I guess."

Although his tone was hesitant and the words were dragged on, Draco couldn't help the smile that stretched his cheeks. "Oh- of course."

Silence reigned over the conversation, only their breathing marred the tension. Suddenly, a crackle burst through the audio, a sign that the other end was about to speak. "Goodbye, father."

A beep signalled the end of the talk, a dial tone that rang in Draco's ears.

He took a couple of breaths, letting the oxygen flow into his system, trying to regain control of his expression. Smoothing his face into a neat, calm demeanor, he clasped his hands together in an attempt to calm his excited nerves.

He called me father.

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