Chapter 18

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The room was a flurry of feathers, spiralling around in a haze of colours. Soft chirps created a soothing sound, and the fluttering of wings layered on top of the noise.

Attaching the roll of parchment to his owl, Albus watched her soar off into the captivating sunset, oblivious to the clicking of shoes gradually making their way up the stairs.

"Albus?" Scorpius tapped him on the shoulder, shaking him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, hi, Scorp."

Albus grinned awkwardly, then turned his attention back to the sky. It was awash with a multitude of colours, wiping the sky with soft hues of pink.

Scorpius frowned, glancing at the direction Albus' eyes were staring at. "You like the sunset?"

Albus nodded. "Yeah, its quite pretty."

Like you.

The blond boy nodded thoughtfully, then stared down at his feet. Silence seeped into the space between them, heavy and prominent.

It seemed as if the boys were waiting for something, anything to ease the quiet hush.

Suddenly, a switch flicked on in Albus' head.

Why are you waiting? Tell him that you love him.

Tell him.

Tell him.

But he couldn't.

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