Chapter 8

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Scorpius couldn't find Albus, no matter where he looked.

He had begun to worry when Albus didn't arrive at lunch, but dismissed the thought. Perhaps he was studying.

Panic was beginning to set in when he didn't arrive for dinner, either.

The sky was now a rippling, smooth ink, speckled with stars, and Albus was still nowhere to be found.

Scorpius hastily rushed past the chattering people in the images, ignoring the muttered of disapproval at his rudeness.

Pushing past the oaken doors of the library, he stopped dead in his tracks. He could hear something...

Muffled sobbing.

Striding through the maze of books, Scorpius finally found a raven-haired head tucked between a pair of knees.

Books were scattered around the figure, a flurry of words and paper.

Magic For Dummies, one stated.

Another had the words, 101 Reasons Why You Struggle With Wizardry And How To Fix It.

Scorpius gently knelt next to the sobbing figure, and wrapped his hands around Albus' shoulders, pulling him close. Together, the two boys lay there, embraced in a hug, for hours.

If Albus couldn't make it alone, perhaps they could survive their struggle together.

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