Chapter 20

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Albus lugged their trunks onto the platform, and the train lazily wheezed. Puffs of smoke exuded from its funnel, and the gleaming red and black paint was polished to a shine.

The aching hole in his chest hadn't left, and it was getting quite hard to look Scorpius in the eye.

His best friend was shifting slightly, his hands awkwardly hanging down by his sides. The Malfoy boy sighed, a faint blush painting his cheeks. Albus raised an eyebrow, then shook his head, looking away.

The platform was packed with students, leaving Albus a reminiscent memory of the beginning of the year.

But, those happy times were gone, leaving behind anxiety and late nights, questioning his worth.

Further ahead, a glimpse of his mother's prominent, flaming hair could be seen in the bustle of owls and trunks.

Albus glanced around, trying to catch a view of Scorpius' pale head, but his friend had disappeared.

Where had he gone?

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