Chapter 12

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When the boys had woken up, the tears wiped from Albus' face, you could say the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

"Oh. Hi. Hey, Scorpius?"


"Could you please, um, unwrap your arm?"

Scorpius glanced down, then a red blush flooded his cheeks. Disentangling himself, he cast his eyelashes down in embarrassment. "Oh. Uh, oops. Sorry."

Albus sat up, and carded his fingers through his hair, trying to neaten it, but this act only mussed it up even more.

Glancing at his watch, he choked. "Oh my god, we need to get to class now!"


"Come on! We're gonna be late!"


"Professor Pyra is going to turn us into lambs and set foxes onto us-"


Hastily fixing his tie, Albus looked over in annoyance. "What?"

Scorpius raised a thin, pale eyebrow. "It's Saturday. We don't have classes, remember?"

Halting in the middle of looping his shoelaces, Albus stared blankly at his best friend's narrow face. "Oh."

The Malfoy boy laughed slightly. "Well, since our whole day is free, what do you want to do?"

Albus glanced down at the ground, then cast his view up to his friend's face, eyelashes shadowing his cheeks, like angel feathers.

He never replied, although the unspoken words lay between them, thick and heavy.

I don't care what we do, as long as I'm with you.

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