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Hey guys! This is the page where I answer some (mostly made by me) questions about this story :)

When I say 'made by me', I mean questions based off your comments that you posted, by the way!



Why did you make Draco abusive?


I got a lot of comments like this. I was attempting to explore the psychology of homophobia and old traditions, as well as the extreme grief Draco experienced after the death of his wife. I guess I didn't consider Draco's canon behaviour and character (which I should have considered in the first place, I will admit) in the Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling, so I apologize to the readers who were upset with Draco's behaviour in this book.


How did you feel about Scorpius and Albus' platonic relationship in The Cursed Child?


Platonic, my ass. Delphi litERALLY ADMITTED THAT THEY WERE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER?? Sorry, I have a lot of feelings about this. I'm quite upset with J.K for portraying their relationship so romantically, then dismissing that totally and threw Rose at Scorpius, trying to sell the idea that Scorpius had this big crush on her. I did feel that she queerbaited the readers, as well. J.K, what the hell?


How did you feel about The Cursed Child in general?


At first, I was TOTALLY hyped up for TCC. I dragged my parents to Barnes and Noble the minute I could (which was a couple of weeks after its release, lol), and rushed in and bought it. It took me about an hour and a half to read it. I wasn't really that bothered by the style of the writing (e.g Harry Potter: blah, blah, blah. Scorpius: *scratches head, looks confused*). The plot did seem a bit all over the place and scrambled, though. I was also really confused about the Trolley Lady? What the f*ck? She turned into a monster thing?? Idk, man. It wasn't all that it seemed to be at first.


How old are you?


14 this year (2017). Does that make me sound like one of those girls that are obsessed with really dirty fanfics? I swear, I'm not.


Was this your first story/fanfiction?


Yep! It was also the first story that I completed, and I really enjoyed writing this story. I was (and still am!) so surprised that people read this, lol!


How long did it take you to write each chapter?


Honestly, it depended on the length. If it was a couple of paragraphs, about 20 minutes to write, edit, read over, and publish. If it was an extensive paragraph, like the chapters dedicated to Draco's therapy, it took about an hour altogether.


Will this book have a sequel?


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