Chapter 4

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From down below, the audible sounds of a party commencing could be heard up in the Slytherin dormitories.

Scorpius looked adorable wrapped in an emerald green blanket, Albus decided.

The pair were lounging on their beds, facing parallel to each other. Albus had flopped himself halfway between his bed and the floor. He was hanging off the edge, head lolling and arms flung out.

Scorpius had snuggled himself into the blanket, limbs coddled in the warm, soft fabric. He had his long fingers wrapped around a mug of strong tea, warmth seeping into his skin.

It was a peaceful moment, for once in their lives.


Albus exhaled, and a puff of frozen, icy air floated away from his chilled skin.

It was freezing down in the Slytherin dungeons, and no matter how many thick comforters and blankets that you heaped onto your bed, it would only slightly lessen the cold.

He could hear Scorpius' calm, paced breathing, and Albus gradually fell asleep to the rhythm of it.


Sunlight peeked through the dark shades, and Albus groaned. It was too early to wake up.

Lying inert on his sheets, he stretched his muscles, then yawned. Turning his head slightly left, Albus lifted his thick curtain to see if Scorpius was awake.

Apart from a glimpse of a snow-white, pale hand with pianist fingers peeping out of the hanging fabric, there was no sign of his friend.

Albus smiled softly. He loved Scorpius with every utter cell in his body....

But he was too afraid to admit it.

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