Chapter 17

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Albus gnawed on his lip, biting the skin gently. He paused, halting the gentle flow of his quill, and thought for a moment.

He then put his quill back to the parchment, tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth.

Dear Mum and Dad,

I'm not sure if the school has sent owls to our homes, but just in case they haven't, here's what's been happening recently.

Peeves (wasn't he around back in your day?) has been causing some serious mischief, and now none of us can access the classrooms without fainting from the stench. I'm sure Uncle George would be proud of him!

I think the professors given him a lecture, but I'm not sure of the effectiveness of that. Isn't there a ghost-training class that he can go to, like those ones that the Muggles do, except for dogs?

Anyway, they've decided to send the students home, to make it easier to clean up the castle. Is there a chance that Scorpius could come home with me? His father agreed, if you wanted to know.

Albus tapped his quill on the desk, wondering if that was untruthful.
Draco was in a mentally unfit state, so technically, it wasn't possible that he could answer Scorpius' owls.

Besides, if he had to lie, he would do it. He would do anything for Scorpius.

That's what best friends were for, right?

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