Chapter 1

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Biology was without a doubt the least interesting class in exsitence that and math. From learning about the ETC and how the mitochondria is the power house of the cell, it made me want to gauge my eyeballs out. And trust me, I would be totally willing.  I walked into the classroom of twenty with my best friend at my side. 

"Not to ruin your day and all but you're favorite person is in this class."

"Zac Efron wouldn't ruin my day, in fact it would be a total improvent but if you were using sarcasm and it is Tyler, do me a favor and just kill me now." I said. Having my ex boyfriend in Satan's class was the not the best combination. On the whiteboard, Human Reproduction was written in red marker. "This is completely disgusting." 

"Um, Scarlett, Sex is the reason why we are alive. Seventeen years ago and nine months, your parents did the nasty. And good thing they did too because now I have you."

"You make the weirdest thing sound so beautiful." I looked back up at the board to see a name, Mr. Horan. A student teacher, great. All I know about student teachers are they suck. They expected too much from a bunch of hormonal, defiant teens. I mean everyone messes with them. I felt bad for this guy, he no idea what he was in for. The bell caused me to jump.

"Good morning class" Mr. Donivan stood up from his desk after scarfing down his doughnut and walked over to the front of the room, following him was a blonde haired boy. A little bit of pink frosting was on his chin. 

"Do you see that?" Tracey snickered. 

"Shh, don't be mean." I returned.

"This is our new student teacher. Mr. Horan. I will let him tell you about himself." Mr. Donivan went back to his desk and sat down at his computer. 

The girls sat up instantly, as if the were actually interested. Which is very unlikely. These girl were the kind that were, how do I put this nicely? Um, the girls in my bio class, excluding Tracey and I, were blonde bimbos. The only way they'll survive in this world is if they have their boobs hanging out of their shirts. And lucky for them, they do. But I give them props, they had an eye out for great looking guys.

"Hello." He said in a accented voice. I couldn't quite put my finger on where he was from. "I'm Mr. Horan, obviously. So I guess I will tell you somethings about me. I am finishing up my schooling at WSU, I am completely fascinated by science and how things came to be. I am from Mullingar, Ireland. It is a smaller town but I grew up there, my entire life. I was going to audition for X-Factor but I actually slept through my audition slot, I felt like a HUGE idiot. Um, that's really it. I am very excited to be teaching you all."

His teeth were a perfect shade of white and straight, must have had braces, all the girls in the class were looking at him with desire, raging, red hot desire. The guys looked like they'd rather be kicked in the nuts over and over again.

Which was understandable.

I smiled, I'd be happy to kick all these guys in the nuts, especially Tyler. Over and over again. That'd teach him for sleeping with Cali Martin who was in the corner eyes locked on Mr. Horan. Cali was the girl who not only had her cleavage on display but her ass cheeks hung out of every article clothing. I don't know if it's her cliche blonde hair or her French Whore #9 perfume but that girl lived up to the sterotype of a slutty, blonde cheerleader. And when I confronted her on sleeping with Tyler, she denied it, after Tyler had already confessed.

"Now, let's continue on with the lesson today. Now you're all seniors so I am pretty sure you all know what human reproduction is. Your parents use to say when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much they have a baby. Well its a lie, sort of." Everyone chuckled. "Now, human reproduction is a very important task in life. It is our duty to reproduce to keep our species alive just like with any other species. But before you can reproduce, you need to find out what you are attracted to. Attraction is just the first step into the wonderful process of reproduction."

"So," He took a look at the seating chart on the desk in front of him, "Miss Adams. What are you attracted to." 

Should I make his first day easy or nah, "Assholes obviously" I said. The class laughed.

"Miss Adams" Mr. Donivon said in a warning voice as he pointed a warning finger at me, "Language." 

"I am not sure." I replied.

"Why don't we ask Tyler?" Conner Davis, captain of the wrestling team suggested, "Yo, T, what are something that got Scarlett all hot and heavy. Was it your luscious locks, dazzling smile, or even your long-"

"Mr. Davis."  Mr. Donivon growled. "I promise, Mr. Horan and I are not afraid to give out detentions."

"Eyelashes, Mr. D, it was a totally innocent comment. I swear to it." He held up his hands in defense. "Have you seen Tyler's eyelashes, they're truly beautiful."

"Aw, thanks man. Yours are beautiful too." I rolled my eyes. 

"Miss Adams, the question." Mr. Horan prompted.

"Honestly, all I can think of is someone who can provide as much as I can and-"

"Hold you all night long?" Conner interjected. 

"Bite me, twat." I glared at him. 

I felt Tracey elbow me, hard. "Dude." 

"Miss Adams, see me after class" Mr. Horan said.

"Damn it." I said under my breath. Today just gets better and better. Who knows maybe I will get hit by a bus, like Regina George. I prayed it would happen. My aunt would totally own my ass now.

I clenched my fist and sat in silence for the rest of class, wondering how the hell I was going to explain to my aunt that I got detention. Maybe I'll lie and tell her I was attending a meeting for Student Council. That would totally work, she'd fall for that. I would feel bad for lying to her but it sure as hell beat her knowing the truth and being disappointed in me.

"Alright class. I will pass out your homework. You will need to write 15 traits that you look for in a potential mate" Mr. Horan began passing out papers. "It's not that hard, so no complaining. If you like red hair, write that down. If you like brown eyes, another trait. Interested in sports? Another trait. This will be one of the easiest assignments you will complete all year. You have ten minutes before the class ends, work silently." 

 "Dude, don't worry. It is just one detention." Tracey whispered to me.

"I'm so stupid" I said. "I shouldn't have let them get to me."

"No you aren't. They're assholes. I know this is going to be hard but you have me to get through this all."

"Thanks, Trace. I am glad I can count on yo-" 

"Miss Adams and Miss Michaels. Looks like we have a situation" Mr. Horan interrupted. Fuck.

He stood in front of us. "But how to fix it?" 

"Mr. Horan, I promise we won't talk at all. It's the first mistake. We won't do it again." Tracey pleaded. 

"I already had issues with Miss Adams, so it is the second mistake. Mr. Charleston would you please trade places with Miss Micheals since she cannot seem to keep her or her partner mouths from moving?" Not Tyler.  

"Mr. Horan, please. I'll behave. Or anyone but him." I begged. 

"Now." He dismissed my plea.

"I'm sorry Scar." Tracey said quietly and collected her things. I closed my eyes, complete and udder bullshit. Not only did I score detention but Tyler was now my new lab partner. Great. Just fucking great.

I glanced up from my paper and Mr. Horan's back was to everyone, erasing the board. I wanted to throw something at him. I hate him. I hope he gets hit by a bus. Welcome to Rydel High, Mr. Horan. Welcome. 

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