Chapter 16

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"Hey sweetie." Christy was sitting on the couch after my shower. 

"Hi." I sat down, I pulled my fuzzy socks on.

"How was your night?" Amazing. Perfect. Wonderful. Flawless. Need I say more?

"Eh, it was okay." I shrugged. "Can I talk you something?"

"What is it? Are you alright?" She put her magazine down, she studied me, "Oh my God. Tell me you aren't pregnant." 

I sputtered, "W-what? God, no. I was wanting to ask about my mom."

She placed a hand to her chest, "Oh thank God. I was about to lose my everlasting mind. I mean, you're seventeen. Not that I don't think you could raise one, but I just think you are ready. I am not ready and--"

"Calm down. Not pregnant. Not planning to be. I just wanted to know if you were close with her and all."

"Extremely, I considered her one of my closest friends. We even told people we were twins when we were seven, we'd dress the same, did our hair the same way. Why all the sudden interest?" She asked. 

"Did she ever explain how she knew she was in love with my dad." Christy smiled, "Yeah, she did. Plenty of times. I remember the night she knew, I was sitting in my room listening and obsessing over Boyz II Men." I started laughing. "Watch it. Anyway, your mother was out at a party and she met your father when he spilled his drink on her. They instantly hit it off. But I could tell she was in love by the way she talked about him, looked at him." Christy smiled.

I crossed my legs, "That's really sweet."

"Oh it gets better. I knew your father was in love with you mother because he gave up his man card and watched all these girly chick flicks and never complained. He did tampon runs, chocolate runs, you know how you're mom was."

I nodded. 

"When they first got married in 2001, he couldn't afford to get her a giant ring because he was in medical school. But every year after that, he got her a new ring. Do you remember that? He always felt guilty about it, no matter how much she protested."

It was true, every year on their anniversary he bought her a new ring. Her jewelry box was filled with rings. 

"Yeah, your mom and dad were the iconic couple." She looked at me, "Are you falling for someone, Miss Scarlett."

"I think so. I'm head over heels."

I sat on my bed later that night, listening to music. Niall and I had planned to go roller skating tomorrow, I was so excited, that I couldn't even think about sleep. It was hard to believe that this was slowly becoming my life.

My phone started to ring, "Hello?" I answered. 

"Hey! So How was last night?" Tracey asked.

"It was-- nice." 

"Nice?" She echoed. "What the fuck are you smoking? You slept with our hot ass student teacher and all you say about it, is that it was nice?"

"You're impossible."

"Well? Was their sparks?"

"More than the fourth of July. He asked me to be his-"

"HE PROPOSED! Damn girl, you must be great in bed." Tracey whistled.

"Oh my god. No. He did not propose, he asked me to be his girlfriend." 

"How did he do it? Was it like, will you date me and BOOM sex. Or was it during sex or-"

"None of the above. What is it with you and sex?"

"Um, I'm single and a teenage, hormonal girl." She said. "Now, how did he ask you again?"

"He carried me to his bedroom and on the bed written in red rose petals was the question." I smiled as I thought about last night. 

"God, that's cheesy as hell. Like even Nicholas Sparks wouldn't write that shit."

"I hate you."

"No you don't. Shut your mouth. Alright, Dance Moms is on got to go."

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