Chapter 10

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"This looks great." Tyler told Christy as we all made our way into the kitchen.

"You are too kind, Tyler. Always have been." She said as Tyler pulled out my chair and ushered me to sit down.

"Oh thanks." I sat down, I looked over at Christy to see her grinning at me. Stop, I mouthed.

We all took our seats and began scooping up vegetables, "So Tyler." Christy spoke, "Do you have a girlfriend."

I nearly spit out the water, I had taken a sip of, "Good God, Christy!"

"What? I am just making conversation." She countered. 

"It's alright, Scarlett. And no, I don't, I am not really wanting anything except to pass senior year." He shrugged. "How about you?"

"What?" I furrowed my brows together. 

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He questioned. 

Before I could even think of what to say the oven went off, Christy stood up, "The meatloaf is ready. I'll be right back." 

I sighed, "Can you not right now?"

Tyler looked at me, "Fine."

After dealing with a very awkward dinner, Tyler decided to be gracious enough and leave, "Thank you for dinner, it was really great." Tyler smiled as I walked him out to his car.

"You're a liar."

"How?" He looked at me as we stopped in front of the driver's side. 

"My aunt's meatloaf is not good at all. We are actually lucky it was cooked all the way this time."

"It's called being nice, something you wouldn't know about." He winked.

I squinted my eyes, "Oh do you have something in your eyes? Oh wait, was that your lame attempt at winking?"

He elbowed me, "You're a dick."

We both chuckled then I spoke, "Well you should get going. You don't want your mom to call freaking about. Remember how she thought you got kidnapped the last time you were over here?"

He laughed, "I remember. She started teaching me self defense tactics because she thinks that I can't take care of myself. I had fun, it was nice to be able to hang out with you again."

"It really was." He started to lean forward for a kiss, I stepped back.

"Tyler, I don't see you like that."

His face fell, "Right. I got mixed messages, I guess."

"I didn't send any messages. Look, I am sorry if you think I was but-"

He opened his car door, "Forget it. Nevermind."

I looked at him, "Tyler, I am-"

"Stop. I don't care anymore." He started his car and drove off.

I huffed, "What the hell did I do?"

The next day I walked into Biology with a smile on my face, "Last day of detention."

"Its a shame huh," Niall whispered to me.

"I guess so." 

"Well we still have today." He winked.

The bell shrieked, I walked to my seat. Tyler was talking to one of his friends, when he saw me he glared.

"Will you stop?" I demanded.

"Sure thing." He fired back.

"I didn't do a damn thing to you so stop pouting, Ty. We were having a nice moment until you tried to kiss me." 

"Fuck, you don't get it do you?" He snarled.

"Is there a problem?' I looked up to see Niall glaring at Tyler, hate in his eyes.

"No." Tyler growled then faced forward.

"Miss Adams?"

"No, Mr. Horan." I shook my head.

. . . .

"Hey, are you alright. You haven't spoken a word to me since we started." Niall asked.

"I just don't feel like talking."

Niall grabbed my hips and faced me to him, I rolled my eyes. 


"Hey," I mocked him. 

"You can tell me anything." He said.


"Smile." He said. I did.

"See, I knew there was a beautiful smile under all that."

"All of what? My sadness, my despair?" I joked.

"Funny." He glared.

I shrugged, "I do what I can." 

"I have just about had it with your shitty attitude."

"Do something about it."

"I'll take that as an invitation." He leaned in slowly and his lips touched mine. His hands ran up and down my back as the passion grew stronger. Nothing really seemed to matter.

"What the fuck? Scar?" I broke away to see Tyler standing in the auditorium. His face full of horror.

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