Chapter 5

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I showered and changed into some shorts and a tee-shirt after bringing Alex home and eating a semi awkward dinner with Christy and Todd who was missing a button on his shirt. I hinted at it with Christy after he left and all she did was call me a 'sex crazed teenager'.  I laid on my white bed and closed my eyes. The smell of cinnamon apples that came from the candle Christy bought me soothed me.

I let the day slip away from Tyler's lame attempts to get me back to reading chapters upon chapters of Mice  of Men. I just wanted to sleep but a pair of baby blue eyes crept their way into my head. Only one person had eyes like those. The kind that get your heart racing and your words get all choked up. And his lips, oh man, lately I had wondered what they tasted like, how soft they were and what they could do to me. I wanted to feel his lips on my lips, my neck, on my collarbones, everywhere. Just his face made me wonder what the rest of him was like. I blinked, I was thinking about Niall. But lately that's all I have been doing. I mean I have been daydreaming about his hands all over me in my other classes, at home, at dinner, at Tracey's, hell I couldn't get him out of my head. 

I opened my eyes, "What the hell is wrong with me?"

"Sleep. I need sleep. That explains all of this crazy daydreaming, I am just tired. No big deal." I assured myself. 

I crawled under the comforter and laid on my left side and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Has Christy hinted at all about letting off the grounding? I really need a girl's night plus, Spencer's suppose to be filling his house with booze for the party. We gotta go!" Tracey told me the next day as we walked to bio. 

"Yeah, I highly doubt it. She still isn't too thrilled about the idea of me having detention. I do want to go, I'll try to see what I can do." I took my seat next to Tyler who was on his phone.

"Good afternoon! Today, we are going to talk about cell functions but before all that fun, pop quiz time." Niall announced. The whole class groaned. 

Tyler elbowed me, "What do you need?"

"Can I copy?"

"How would I have ever guessed? You always want to cheat." I growled.

"Scar, I-"

"You still don't have the right to call me that." I hissed as Mr. Horan passed out quizzes. I put my head in my hands. I wanted to leave. Go home, throw a bag of popcorn in the microwave and watch some Netflix for a few hours then sleep and repeat. 

A piece of paper with ten questions on it, wanting to know the differences from animal and plant cells.

"Thanks Niall." I muttered without thinking. "Mr. Horan." He corrected. I looked up to see him staring at me with concern.

"Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes.

During detention, I painted in silence. I was too lost in my thoughts to speak. Part of me wanted to forgive Tyler, the other just wanted to push him off of a cliff. I was torn. 

I looked over at the blonde stapling vines to the set. He was just as quiet as I was. 

"I am really sorry for calling you Niall in class." I felt like he was pissed at me. I know I called him by his first name but he was totally overacting.

He didn't respond. His back was to me as he continued, "It total slipped out."

I waited for a response, nothing. I sat down my texturing paint down, I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder, "Niall."

He turned to me, blue eyes ablaze. "Are you okay?" I asked, taking a step back.

"I'll be back." He left the stage, the door slammed shut.

I stood there in disbelief, what the hell was his deal? Whatever, I don't have time to just stand around. I went over to my bag and pulled out my white speaker and plugged my phone in. I scrolled through Spotify until deciding on, All That Matters By Justin Bieber. It had been awhile since I have listened to Justin Bieber, I wasn't a huge fan but I did enjoy his music.

I grabbed my brush and began to paint again. I moved my head to the beat of the track. I took a step back to see if I had missed any spots on the castle. There was a bare spot at the very top. I grabbed a step stool and tried to get it.I reached for the top, still couldn't reach. I got on my tippy toes, the brush barely touched it. The stool was wobbling, I ignored it. I jumped a little. The stool gave way, "Oh fuck!"

Instead of hitting the ground, I fell into someone's arms and looked into the blue eyes that sent shivers down my spine.

"I-I," I stuttered. Niall kept starring at me and I leaned in, his lips slowly pressed against mine. They were soft. I could feel his heart beating hard and fast against my chest. The kiss so passionate and yet so innocent. But he was my teacher. It wasn't innocent.

But I didn't care. Trust me, if you felt his lips you wouldn't either.

He slowly sat me down, then backed us up against the wet set. His hands gripped my waist, and his lips moved my mouth down my neck. I closed my eyes. 

"My classroom," He growled against my neck. 

"You don't want to ravish me here?" I gasped when he bit down on my neck.

A/n: The picture above total represents my mood when Niall kissed Scarlett. Am I right? Or am I right?

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