Chapter 9

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I was starting to set the table when the garage door opened, Alex was in a pink sparkly tutu."How did you do kid?" I asked as I hugged her.

"Great!" She let go off me, then she took off towards the living room to go watch cartoons. 

"Did you have fun?" Christy came into the kitchen carrying a bouquet of multicolored daisies. 

"It was actually pretty good. Alex only bumped into the girl next to her three times." She returned. "But Todd nearly fell asleep for the whole thing."

I watched as she grabbed the meatloaf out of the fridge and preheated the oven, "I bet, he did. So."


 "Oh nothing really. I was just curious as to if you were ever going to run by me the idea of inviting Tyler over for dinner."

She pretending like she didn't hear me. "Hello, earth to Christy."

"Oh come on." She placed both palms on the counter. "Don't act like that. I thought you'd be okay with it since he dropped you off last night. Plus, he seems to have feelings for you."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, "So what if he does? Nothing is going to change that."

She smirked, "Whatever."

"I am not getting back together with him."

"And why not? I know you guys had your issues but if two people love each other, they can try to make it work. I know you still have feelings for him, deep down." 

"Of course I will always have feelings for Tyler but they aren't enough to get back together. Plus, I like someone else."

"Who?" She questioned.

"It's nothing."

"Scarlett, I am your aunt for God's sake."

"That doesn't mean you can butt into my love life. I don't want to get back with Tyler, why can't you accept that?" I demanded. 

She was quiet for a moment, "I know, I just thought it would be nice. He was good to you, maybe not towards the end but he was good for you."

"Yes, he was but I can't try to revive feelings."

"I understand. I just want happiness for you."

I smiled and reached out to touch her hand, "I will, I have plenty of time to worry about that but right now I just need to get through this dinner." Do not get me wrong, I have always appreciated what my aunt has done for me, I was always be grateful to her. For being a mom to me despite everything.

"No more surprises." She nodded. 

"No more." I agreed. 

"Wait, I did invite Mr. Horan over for dinner tomorrow." 

My eyes widened, "Excuse me?"  Did she know? No, there was no way she could possibly know. 

"Because, I think if you stay on his good graces we won;t have to worry about you getting in any more trouble. Plus, he needs to see that you come from a good home and that you're behavior is simply you being a teenager and not my parenting."

"Christy, you can't invite him over." I begged.

"Oh come on, it's not like I am trying to set you two up." She turned around to wash vegetables, and thank God she did or else she would have seen how red my face went.

"Because that would be wrong and disgusting." She laughed it off. "Yeah, totally."

"You should go get ready. You look kind of rough. Your hair is a complete mess." Yeah, I wonder why. 

I headed up for my room without another word. I passed by Alex who was sitting on the L-shaped leather couch watching Doc Mcstuffins. She had a huge grin on her face as a snowman and a stuffed lamb danced together. 

As I continued up the stairs, Christy words didn't leave my head. Because that would be wrong and disgusting. How could something so wrong feel so right?

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