Chapter 14

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"I am so nervous." I said as Tracey walked me out to my car. 

"Don't be. Unless, he touches you in a way you don't want to be. In that case, call the police then me. You better pray the police arrive first or else I am going downtown for murder."

I shot her a look, "I care you about you, okay? Just be safe."

I hugged her, "I will. Thank you for no judgement."

"That's what friends are for; being there for you even if you do the world's stupidest stuff. You were there for me after my polo and ponytail phase, this is the least I could do." 

I pulled back, and smiled, "Wish me luck."

"You're going to need more than luck." I got in my car and shut the door. "Oh and use condoms!"

I drove my car to the address Niall had texted me. I stood outside the apartment. You can do this, forget all the bullshit that's happened. You are about to be with him, alone. Not in a public place or anything. Who knows what will happen in there. 

If you have sex, that's. If you don't, that's cool. If you kiss, that's cool. If you don't, that's cool too. But you know what's not cool. Mentioning deportation, Tyler, teacher, student. 

Just breathe and-- A figure caught the corner of my eye, it was an older Asian woman, she was watching me. My eyes widened and I faced the door again and knocked. I looked over at the Asian woman and she was still staring. 

"Hi." I smiled. 

She started going off in her native language. 

"Niall, please hurry." I said, quietly. 

A second later, Niall opened the door. He looked-- there wasn't a word I could to describe him. There wasn't a piece of art that compared to him. He was perfect. 

His eyes widened, "Wow, you look--" He paused, "Beautiful. Come on in." He smiled. I returned the smile as I walked in. I was taken by how simple yet elegant his apartment was. It was spotless, it looked like no one lived here. The only thing in the living room was a black leather couch, a TV, and a black coffee table.

"Sorry, I'm not good with designing the inside of a home." He said behind me. I turned around his hands were shoved into his pockets. 

"It looks amazing." As I turned, he grabbed my arm and tugged me to face him. He bent down and cupped my face and pressed his lips to mine, softly. Making me go breathless.His other hand moved to my waist, pulling me closer. My arms instinctively went around his neck . 

He pulled away, "I have something to show you." He picked me up and carried me down the hall, bridal style. He opened the door to room, carefully, he let me down. 

I looked at his grey bed which was covered in red rose petals spelling out, Will You DATE Me?  I stood there for a second and then I started laughing. Uncontrollably.

"Is it that cheesy?" He asked. 

I turned to him, still giggling, "It's-- It's cheesy and perfect all at the same time."

He smiled and hung his head. Then peered up at me. Once, I regained my composer, I looped my arms around his neck again, "Yes."

And things began to click. Next thing I knew I was on his bed, he was standing over me, taking off his shirt. Our mouths met again. He tugged at the hem of my shirt and hoisted it over my head. He chucked it on the ground. My hands went to his jeans and slid them off. He took off my black leggings. He kissed me harder and then made his way down my neck. I couldn't think, god how did he does this to me?

. . . . . 

He looked at me in the mess of his blankets, dragging his finger along my thigh. 

"Wow." I said breathless. "That was-"

"Yeah," He nodded. 

"Well, shall we go eat. I think we'be built p an appetite." 

He blushed, "Funny story, I actually burned it. So I was gonna tell you that we could have take out or pizza. Your choice."

I thought about it, "Chinese."

"Good, I'll order." He went to stand up but I reached for his hand. 


He nodded and crawled back into bed. When he laid back, I laid my head on his chest.

"Tell me about yourself." He spoke.

"Like what?"

"Um, favorite color?"

"Tough choice, but yellow."

"Yellow?" He scrunched his nose.

"It's suppose to be a happy color. Everything that's bright is yellow. Now what's yours?"

"Green or blue, it's hard for me to choose."

"Alright, makes sense. Okay now, your favorite animals?" I questioned.


"Goats? Really? Why?" 

"I can hear that little judginess in your voice. So I am not going to disclose that to you now. Tough luck." He laughed.

I stared at him. "What?"

I shrugged, "I love your laugh. You should laugh more. What's your family like?" 

"Crazy but loving, like most family. I have an older brother, Greg and his wife Denise. They have a son, whom you've met, Theo. My mum and dad divorced when I was five. I was back and forth between house until I decided to move with my dad. That's really all to my family." Niall looked amazing, the low light of the lamp on his night stand made him look like an angel.

"They seem lovely."

"They are, in small amounts. Now what about yours?"

"There's not much. You've met Christy and her boyfriend Todd, and Christy's daughter Alex. My grandmother lives in town. I had a brother but he died along with my parents when I was thirteen." I admitted.

"What happened? If you don't mind me asking."

"It's not like you won't see the report online but sure. My brother, Finn was seven at the time and one night he was at a friends house and his friends and him watched a scary movie and he got really scared. So my parents went to go pick him up and never returned. At first I thought they forgot the way home.But the police came to my house and broke the news to me. They had been hit head on by a drunk driver."

"That's awful, I am so sorry."

I brushed it off, "No, it's fine. Really."

After a few moments of silence, Niall spoke again, "I hate to ruin this moment and I want you to know something." 

 "What is it?"

"I am actually really hungry."

I buried my head in his chest and laughed. 

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