Chapter 13

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I wasn't sure if Tyler would tell but if he as going to, there was one person I knew I had to tell. "Here's your smoothie!" Tracy smiled as sat down across from me the next day.

I took it with a smile, "Thanks."

"Yeah no problem. I am really glad you wanted to go get something to drink. I mean retail is my favorite kind of therapy."

I faked a smile and took a sip of the tropical drink.

"Hey, what's going on you're acting really strange. This is your typical Scarlett self. What happened?"

"It's a long story."

"How long are we talking?" She asked.

I looked around, "Really long. And private."

Her eyes widened, "Holy shit, you're preggers?"

"What? No. Look, can we go to your house so I don't have people eavesdropping. This is something I am not ready for other's to hear."

She nodded, "Yeah let's go right now."

After a quiet care ride in her blue charger, I was still panicked. I didn't know how to tell her, I mean it isn't a everyday type of problem.

"So spill." Tracey commanded as I sat at her marble counter-top.

"Is anyone here?"

"Nope, dad on a business trip," She air-quoted, "And my mom is at work."

"Okay, just know I wanted to tell you but I couldn't. I hope you'll understand."

"You are really starting to scare me."

"I know, I know. I just don't know how to start."

She put an hand on my arm, "Whatever it is, we'll get through it. Just take a deep breath and tell me." Her eyes softened, "I want to help."

"Alright, no judgement?" I questioned.

"No judgement," She agreed.

I took a deep breath and started from the beginning.

. . . .


She stood in front of me, stunned.

"Say something, I know it's crazy and-"

"I don't know what to say."

"You said no judgement."

"I'm not judging, I just am at a loss for words." Shocker. "I mean I never thought you would do this. I thought it would be Amanda or Tate, hell even Carmen. But not you."

"I don't know what happened but-" I shrugged.

"Now you know how Tyler felt." She muttered.

"What did you just say?"

"I mean, the whole it just happened demeanor, that's what Tyler said about him and-"

"Don't compare his cheating to this. I know I am being hypocritical but-"

She held up her hands, "Okay. Okay. So you and Niall are hooking up."

"Only kissed but yeah."

"And I don't get the whole Tyler situation."

"If Tyler tells, it could mean Niall gets deported and can't teach again. He could also get the chance of being put on the sexual offenders list."

"I know how to fix this." Tracey said after a moment of silence.

"I'm all ears."

"I know a couple of people who would be willing to get rid of him-"

"No hitman." I told her.

"Fine. No hitman. There goes my plan-- Wait, I'll kill him. I can't believe he laid a finger on you. Ugh! I wanna light him on fire."

I stared at her in disbelief.


"Did you not hear yourself?"

She sighed, "Momma's got a dark side."

"No." I shook my head.

"Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't call myself momma again but man, you and Niall. Never saw this coming. I mean this is darker than Fifty Shades of Grey." She said."Well, there is not any of the sex an-"

"Stop while you're ahead." I nodded.

"So you are going to his place, still?"

"I want to. But what do you think?"

She shrugged, "I mean, I would go. You're already going to be in trouble so why not go for it. I can cover for you if you want. My parents will too, if they ever come home."

I sighed, "Yeah, I should get going. Thank you, it feels so good to tell someone."

I went in for a hug, but Tracey punched me in the boob, hard.

"What the--"

"That's for not telling me as soon as it happened."

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