Chapter 11

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Oh fuck me. This was not going to end well. It never does.

"What the hell?" Tyler demanded. 

I pushed Niall away, I stepped towards the edge of the stage, Tyler backed up, "Let me explain."

"So this was the reason why you didn't want to get back with me?"


"I can't believe this." He ran out, swearing under his breath. Niall looked as if he were going to follow him, I put my hand against his chest, "No, let me fix this."

I ran down the wooden steps and out the side door and down the hallway, "Tyler!"

He ignored me, he was walking fast towards the parking lot. "Tyler please." He stopped. I walked over to him until I faced him. 

"Can we talk about this?" I begged.

"I don't know what even to say to you right now." 

"I know just-"

"He's our teacher! Our teacher, damn it. I would have expected this bullshit form anyone else but you. Is that why you don't want to be with me is because you'd rather have our student teacher feeling you up after school?" He snapped.

"Tyler stop." I closed my eyes and clenched my fist.

"Np! You don't get to tell me what to do! What did you expect a fairytale ending with him?" I didn't respond. 

He chuckled in disgust, "Oh my god, you do. I can't believe you actually think that you two have a future together. This is just wrong and disgusting."

"You don't get to decide whats wrong and disgusting when you couldn't even keep you own hands off of your Biology partner! When you had a girlfriend  who cared about you and did whatever she could to make you feel her love!" I fired back.

"And look where she is now!" He screamed. I clamped my mouth shut. Tyler's face softened. "I just can't believe this is you. And I hope he can make you happy. But sneaking around isn't what you deserve."

"So I deserve to be cheated on?' My voice cracked. 

"We all do things we aren't proud off. But this, this is just wrong. Your parents would be disappointed."

"Shut up." I said. 


"You don't get to throw the parent card at me because if they were alive, I know for a damn fact, I wouldn't have been with you! I'd be back in Minnesota and not here arguing with you. You think you are so much better than everyone else but really you are just a piece of shit." 

"Please Scarlett, you are his 5 minute good time. Do act so high and mighty because someone else is finally giving it to you." He snarled. 

I stood there as he walked away from me, I closed my eyes. What if Tyler decided to tell someone? How was I going to talk my way out of this?

 When I got home, Christy called out to me"Honey, Mr. Horan is on his way. Go change into something nice."

"Is Todd coming perhaps?" I asked, "Or are you trying to make an impression?"

"Yes, he is. I want your teacher to think you have some male influence."

"Okay," I trudged up the stairs. I wanted to go to sleep and then try to figure out a way to keep Tyler's damn mouth shut. 

I heard the doorbell go off. I went to my door and listened. 

"Well don't you look handsome babe." Todd said. I rolled my eyes. And threw on a pair of clean jeans and a grey cotton tee.

"Scarlett, get the door!" Christy yelled.

I looked in the mirror one last time. "Alright Scarlett, you can get through dinner without having any erotic thoughts about your teacher. Don't look suspicious." I told myself. "One person knowing is enough as is. Dont' fuck this up."

The doorbell wailed again, "SCARLETT!"


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