Chapter 6

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Niall lead me to the classroom, my brain wasn't even close to processing what was going on. I wanted to yell shut up. This is what I have been thinking about for days. Couldn't I enjoy this without overthinking it?

He opened the classroom door and led me in. "Are there cameras?" I asked as I approached him. He smirked at me, "Nope. It's just me and you."

I slammed my lips to his, my arms around his neck. "Why did you storm out of the theater?" I asked in between kisses. 

"Are we really going to talk right now?" He laughed. 

"I just need-" I gasped when he licked my neck, "Answers."

"They'll come later. Right now, just let me take over." 

I nodded. 

 Our lips crashed again. Niall hoisted me onto a table. His hands were at the hem of my grey shirt then he pealed it off. Leaving me in my plain push up bra, I wished I would have worm something more sexy. But then again, I didn't really expect my student teacher to be doing this to me. I slid my skinny jeans off. Oh god, my hands were shaking so bad as my hands were under his shirt. I felt the hardness of his chest and I wanted to see more. More of him.  

He grinned at me and took off his shirt then his lips met mine. My hands went straight for his jeans, I undid the button and Niall grabbed my bare legs and pulled me to him. I was gazing into his blue eyes. "You're good?"I nodded. He kissed my lips as he slowly pushed me down. My back came into contact with the cold wooden table, my chest rose with anticipation. I wanted his touch, I wanted him.

Then I felt his lips travel downward, my neck then the swells of my breast and my stomach. My core started to throb. His lips continued down my leg and once he kissed the inside of my knee, I melted with his touch. His lips continued upwards, he stopped and looked at me, "No one likes a tease." 

"You teased me every day." He smirked as he hands roamed all over me, "With your hidden smiles and the way you wore tight teeshirts in my class. I just thought it would be fair."  His lips returned to my neck and I felt teeth, I groaned.  I've only had sex with Tyler. And Tyler compared to Niall right now, needed some major lessons.


Holy shit.

Niall is my teacher. Holy shit. Holy fuck. I pushed him off of me.

"Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?"

"I-I need to go. I'm sorry." I said without thinking. He closed his eyes and leaned against another desk  as I scrambled to get my clothes back on. I was so royally fucked. It was almost 7:30, I was half an hour late. 

"Scar?" Niall spoke.

"Niall, its not you, I just have to go." Was I suppose to say thanks or something? Instead I kissed him. He made a smile but didn't say a word. I closed the door behind me and leaned against the wall for support, "What the hell was that?" 

"Hey, you're late and flushed. Are you alright?" Christy asked when I walked through the back door of the kitchen ten minutes alter.

"Yeah, I am sorry. I know I should have called. I just thought since we are close to being done I would stay to try to get as much as I can done. The set is really coming along. Plus, it was hot in the auditorium." I thought of Niall's hands all over me, "Really hot. No air conditioning."

Christy was washing dishes,"Okay, well we missed you at dinner. Hungry?" She asked.

I shook my head, "Christy."


"Could I go hang out with Tracey? I know, I am grounded and everything but I just really need some girl time. I'll clean my room and the bathroom."

She looked at me then sighed, "Only because you seem to act more responsible." Yeah because almost having sex with your teacher is totally responsible.

I went over to her and wrapped my arms around her, "You are just the best!" 

"Shower first, please. You are so sweaty." 

I pulled my arms off of her, "You're right." 

I ran up the stairs and called Tracey telling her I would be at her house after I showered. "Finally! I had these two nerds make us some fake I.D.'s. It's clubbing time!"

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