Chapter 2

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Tyler sat next to me, "Hey, wow this isn't awkward at all."

I rolled his eyes, his humor wasn't always the best. I did not want to deal with this now, or ever. "Just trying to make conversation."

"Shut up." I hissed. 

"He won't do anything." Tyler was always pretty full of himself, "Scarlett, you can't hate me forever."

I looked at him, I narrowed my eyes, "Watch me." I returned my eyes back to my paper. Why did we have to do this, what was this? Animal planet. Okay, that was the lamest joke I have ever thought of. Actually that;d be all the time I spent with Tyler. BURN.

"Scarlett, please. I want us to be cool again. I still care about you and if I could go back I totally would. It was a mistake, i-it just happened." He said. 

"No, stuff like that just doesn't happen. Tornadoes, fish getting eaten, just happen. Not you sleeping with someone. That's just the outcome of me trusting you." I said.

"Scarlett, that is so unfair." The bell rang, everyone began collecting their things. 

"You know what's unfair?" 

"Oh God, here we go." He rolled his eyes.

"You started the whole unfair topic. What's unfair is my boyfriend sleeping with another girl while I was at home waiting to go to a movie with him. And staying up till eleven, makeup done and everything all to get stood up. Did she force you?" I asked. His dark eyes were watching me. Those dark eyes use to work on me and now I just hated them. All those times he had let me down, he gave me the look he was giving me now. "No."

"See? I have to go." I returned my attention to packing my things. I was NOT to cry and I knew people would mock me, but it wasn't easy sitting next to a guy you have dated for all of your high school years and have him cheat on you two days after your four year anniversary.

"Scar please. Give me a second chance" He whispered, "Remember how we first met?" 

*Four years ago*

"Scarlett!"  My mom yelled from the shower. 

I sat on the bed, looking out at the blue ocean and white beach, "What?"

"Will you run down to the front desk and ask them for more towels? Finn and your father used the last ones!" 

"I guess!" I pushed myself off of the white bed and walked down the hallway. The carpet was red and multiple colored flowers. I followed the pattern all the way to the elevator. I pushed on the button to go down. I looked at my nails as I waited. 

The yellow nail polish was slowly chipping away. I would have to paint it before the luau tonight. The doors chimed as they opened. I stepped inside. 

"Hold the doors!" Someone yelled as they were nearly shut. I stuck my arm between them and they reopened. 

A boy, in a suit came running towards me, I moved to the side as he ran in out of breath. 

"Hey thanks. My family will kill me if I was late to the wedding." 

I smiled and nodded. 

"Up or down?" He questioned. 

"Oh, um lobby. Thank you." 

With each ding of the elevator, we stood in awkward silence. 

"So," The boy said, "I'm Tyler."

"Scarlett." I smiled at him. 

"Nice. I like your flower in your hair."

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