Chapter 24

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"I mean, how come my mom gives my brother a brand new car when he graduated but I have to buy mine!" Tracey complained as she was in the dressing room, I sat in the chair in front, rolling my eyes.

"Ugh, it just makes me so mad!" She threw back the curtain, "What do you think?"She revealed a navy blue dress.

I nodded, "It suits you. I like it a lot."

"Right?" She smiled, "You need to pick out a dress, but since it is your birthday, I am buying."

"You don't need to buy me a dress." I told her.

"Go find a dress, don't argue with me." She pulled the curtain closed, meaning that the discussion was as well.

I scanned over the rack and stumbled upon the perfect dress.

It was black, the sleeves were lace. I held it up to my body, it went to mid thigh, "If I can find a pair of black heels it would be perfect."

"You have to get it." Tracey came up behind me, "That would look killer but I think red heels would make it work."

"No red heels, but I think I will get this."

"Thanks for driving me home. I should go, Christy will freak since I am still grounded and all."

"Well, I am coming in. Tough luck to her."

We both got out of the car and Tracey held her arm out to me, "Shall we?"

"What is your deal?" I asked as we made our way to the front door.

"It's just a great day, we found dresses, and-"

I eyed her, "What's going on?"

"Open the damn door, already."

 I threw open the door, it was pitch black. What the hell? "Christy?" I called as I flipped on the light. People jumped out of everywhere. 


"What the fuck?" I jumped.

"Happy Birthday." Christy smiled at me. 

"Thanks, what's going on?" I questioned. Christy and I hadn't really spoken despite all of her efforts.

"I figured you deserved a party."

I looked around, there were balloons, streamers, and banners. Everyone was talking and drinking punch. 

"Thank you. I really appreciated it."

. . . 

"I am sorry." I told Christy as we cleaned up the mess after everyone left.

"For what?"

"Everything. I just-- I don't know."

"I didn't mean any of those things I said. I love you, Scarlett. Life was changed for the best because of you. And I was just shocked and people were judging my parenting skills, they always have. I have been trying to do my best but I am not them. They were always the best at everything. Including raising you and Finn." Them. 

"My parents." I filled in. 

She nodded, I hugged her, "You are doing a great job. I messed up that isn't your deal."

 She didn't respond.

"I am glad you took me in." I said. 

"Here." She took the garbage bag from me, "I have a surprise for you. Guaranteed I am not a huge fan of it but I am letting it happen because you love it. " She grabbed my hand and led me over to the computer.

"Close your eyes."

"What's going on?"

"Just listen to me, for once."  I did. She started to click away at buttons.

"Okay, and open." I slowly opened my eyes and saw the familiar blonde hair, blue eyes. "Happy Birthday." Niall smiled.

Tears came to my eyes as I looked up at Christy, "Happy Birthday Sweetheart. I'll leave you two alone." She walked away.

I looked back at the screen, Niall was grinning.

"I can't believe this." I said. "How?"

"Neither can I." 

"I thought you wouldn't be able to have contact with me. I mean sending the letter would be risky." 

" I told you I wouldn't be able to talk to you until you're eighteen. And look you are!" 

I didn't say anything. "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, a lot more than you think. So how's everything going? Have you gotten accepted into any schools?"

"They're okay, I am just trying to get passed all of this. Getting caught with your teacher really doesn't make the best conversation starter. But Washington and Harvard but I haven't heard from anywhere else yet." I shrugged.

"Have about Mullingar Community College?" He said.

"Haven't thought about it." 

"Well you should. I love you. I have to go to work." He said. 

"Work?" I echoed.

"I'm got a job over at the factory." 


"Happy Birthday. I hope Graduation goes well." He clicked off.

I smiled, I got to see him. He looked happy.

"So?" Christy smiled.

"Thank you so much." I hugged her. "You don't know how much it means to me."

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