Chapter 26

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I stood in front of my mirror. I took deep breaths as I brushed my dress off, I was only a few hours away from my high school life being completed.

My high school career, four years. 1080 days.

Everything led up to this moment. All the pain, drama, late nights, energy drinks, ink, lead, sweat. They all lead to me going up to that stage and accepting my past and future. 

I pinned my up for a messy braid up-do. Breath, I told myself, Speaking in front of 500 people, no big deal.

I took another deep breath. Once you reach that stage and stand at the podium. Count to three and then everything would be alright.

Christy popped in, "Oh Scar, you look beautiful." 

"You think so? I am a hot mess right now? I think I am sweating up a storm."

"You'll do great and you look great. Picture?" Christy asked. 

"Can we do them after graduation?"

"Oh fine. Are you ready?"

I took one last look in the mirror, "As I'll ever be."

. . . .  .. . . 

"You'll do great!" Tracey assured me for the thousandth time as we waited by the stage. "I am so nervous. Is it too late to back out now?"

"Hell yes. Just breathe."

"And now the speech from our valedictorian, Miss Scarlett Adams!" Principle Cohgan said. I took a deep breath, Tracey smiled as she walked back to her seat. I climbed up the stage in my blue cap and gown. 

My hands touched the side of the podium. Everyone was watching me. One. Breathe.

Two, smile

Three. Start.

"Hello my fellow graduates, family, friends. I am Scarlett Adams. And before I begin," I turned to my other class men, "We did it." Everyone smiled.

"We started high school four years ago, we just expected what the movies taught us. The terrible cheerleaders, brainless jocks, outcast, and nerds but those are all stereotypes that don't exist.  Rydel High has taught more than just history lessons or how to start a fire in cooking, Shane." I smiled at the red faced boy. Everyone chuckled.

"No, high school is more than that. It's a reality check. People will say, you better enjoy high school because it is the best four years of your life. We don't take that advice seriously. But now, that we are graduating its truer than ever. These past four years, I have learned, achieved, and done greatness." I smiled as people clicked away at their cameras. 

"I made friends, found love, and just had the time of my life. Times flies when you're having fun. Our teachers showed us that with hard work we can make it anywhere." I said. "It's funny you know. We started out as freshman, awkward, braced faced, scared and now things have changed. For the best. The class of 2014 tells a story but to find it, you have to look in those hollow halls. Beginnings are scary, ending are sad, but it's the middle that counts the most. Thank you all so much. Congratulations to the class of 2014." I smiled. Everyone stood up and clapped.

The principal came up behind me and shook my hand, I made my way back down to Tracey who was sitting in the front row, There was an empty seat between her and Tyler. I stood between them.

"Thank you Miss Adams, for you words of encouragement. Now one of the moments you have been waiting for. Diploma tine!"

We all cheered. Tyler elbowed me, "Great job Adams!"

"Thanks." I smiled. He grabbed my hand and gave it one last squeeze and let go.

Tracey squealed, "We're doing it guys, we're graduating." Tears came to her eyes. Me and Tyler hugged her. 

"Jamie Acasi!" The Principal announced. I was up next, Tyler was two people behind me. And Tracy was towards the middle. 

"Our valedictorian, Scarlett Adams!" I smiled as I walked in stage. I got my diploma from the secretary and shook the principals hand. "Congrats."

I walked off stage smiling, I did it. 

I really did it, without Niall here.

"Tyler Charleston!!" I clapped and screamed. After he shook hands with the principal he threw both hands in the air. 

He made his way back to our seats, "Look at us, this is crazy."

I nodded in agreement, "Insane."

We both smiled at each other and turned our heads, waiting for Tracey.

"And Miss Tracey Micheal!" When she reached the principle, "You made it." He smiled as he shook her hand. 

"Fucking finally!" 

"Language." He warned.

I laughed as the rest of the crowd did. 

She ran over to us smiling, "I'm a graduate."

"OFFICIALLY!" We all yelled.

We watched as the rest of the students received theirs. It was strange to think that I had spent four years watching everyone grow up. All the height changes, voice changes, different hair colors, etc. It was all coming to an end.

"And now, the moment you have been waiting for. Students turn your tassels to the right and count to three." 

"ONE!" Tyler led as he stood up, He grabbed his cap.

"TWO!" Tracey followed as she touched her cap.

"THREE!" I finished and the sky was filled with royal blue caps. 

 We all hugged each other, laughing. Christy walked over to us. My Grandma and Alex following. 

"Alright get together!" We all linked arms and posed. 

"Say cheese!"


"Alright, just Tyler and Scar." Christy instructed.

Tyler wrapped his arm around me, and the camera went off, "Trace and Scar now."

Tracey pushed Tyler aside playfully and hugged me so tight. The camera flashed. "And now just Scar."

I glared as Tracey pulled away and went to go stand by Christy and them. They all had a smile on their face. Like a creepy ass smile.

I narrowed my eyes at them, "What?"

"On the count of three I want you to smile, okay?"

"I know how to take a picture." I told her. 

"But try not to cry." She instructed. 

"Why would I cry?" I questioned. 

Christy lowered her camera, "Come on."

"Okay. Ready." I smiled.

"One, two-" I felt two arms engulf me. "Three." he kissed me cheek. "Congrats." The camera flashed as I turned to see his gorgeous face, "Niall?"

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