Chapter 17

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"Are you sure, you have rollerskated before?" I asked as Niall fell onto his butt for like the millionth time since we have arrived two hours ago.

"Bite me." He growled as he pushed himself up.

"Do you want help?" I asked.

"You know, I think I can handle it." He started off and it got two feet away and fell on his butt yet again.

"FUCK!" He shouted.

"NO SWEARING, SIR." A man called over the loudspeaker.

I caught up to him, "There are kids here."

"It's not like they probably haven't heard that word before."

I shook my head smiling, Niall looked around, "So um, how much longer are we going to skate in this circle?"

"It's a oval. And I am the one who is skating, you're falling."

"It's a circle, Scarlett."

"Technology, it is an oval. The way its angled makes it an oval duh. If you look at it form a bird's eye point of view, you'd see an oval. Psh, and I thought you were the Mr. Know it all." I pressed my lips to his before he could respond.

Next thing I knew was we were on the ground laughing. "What just happened?" He laughed.

"You fell!" I yelled.

"I was distracted!" he said.

I gasped, "You did it on purpose!"

"You're right, I did! Now you have fallen! Niall: 1, Scarlett: 0!" I slowly climbed to my feet and carefully tried to help him up.

I extended my arm and he took it, but instead of getting up, he pulled me on top of him.

"To the couple on the rink. No PDA." The announcer hissed. My face turned bright red.

"I think, that's our cue to leave." Niall kissed me.

We sat in a local dinner eating. "I love America food!" Niall exclaimed as he took a bite of his burger. "Like I want to eat it all the time."

"Yeah?" I laughed.

"Totally. There's one other thing I could eat all the-" He winked.

I threw a fry at him. "You sicko!"

He laughed, "I was talking about words. I eat my words all the time. And Scarlett, dear, if you're gonna throw a fry make it land in my mouth."

I grinned and grabbed a fry then dipped it in my chocolate shake.

"Ew, are you seriously going to eat it?" Niall looked horrified.

I nodded as I examined the perfectly covered fry, "Indeed, I do."

"Well I hope you plan on not kissing me anymore tonight." He said. I slid the fry in my mouth.

"Well then." He said. I winked at him as my phone buzzed. It was Tyler, I answered it. "Hey."

Who is it? Niall mouthed.

Tyler, I mouthed back.

"I'm sorry Scarlett." He said.

"For what? You didn't do anything."

"I am so sorry. I had too."

"What are you talking about? Ty, you're acting weird." I demanded.

"Scarlett, I will be forever sorry. I had too, it was wrong." He sounded upset.

"Tyler, just tell me what the hell you are talking about?" I hissed. I glanced over at Niall, who looked confused.

"Scarlett, I know you're with him. But-- I told the police."

"Told them about what?"

"Niall is going to be deported." He hung up. My mouth fell open, he told the police. "Scarlett?? What's wrong?"

"Niall, he told them. You're going to be deported."

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