Chapter 3

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After my two hour detention I called Tracey as I was on my way to my car, "Hey!"

"Please tell me you aren't busy." I unlocked the driver's side door.

"Not at all. I thought Christy grounded your sorry behind?"

"Oh she did but I am going to stop at your house either way." I started the engine.

"Door's unlocked! Be careful my mom may or may not be a mess right now. Just don't make eye contact and run up the stairs. See you soon!"

When I got to her house, I opened the door to her giant red brick house. I crept in, I heard the T.V. from the kitchen.

"No Raf, Isabelle does not love you!" Mrs. Michaels yelled. My eyes widened as I quietly ran up the stairs, I knocked on Tracey's bright pink door. She opened it and grabbed my hand, then dragged me through.

"So, how was it? I want every- God, you smell. " Tracey asked as I flopped onto her pink bed.

"Oh bite me, they had the heat on the theater today. But it was fine, I guess. Still sucked. I mean what teacher assigns a kid to paint a set, that is why we have a tech theater class. I had to paint five bushes, two walls of bricks with vines going up the side, only to find out that it was suppose to be a hillside. Who can't read instructions? There is a HUGE difference between rocks and a beautiful hillside of ancient Greece. Who cares if he is from Ireland, he should know what hillsides look like! They have tons of hillsides that he probably frolicked through. That charming accent doesn't work on anyone. Or his deep blue eyes, bulging muscles, adorable smile-"

"Whoa, whoa. Shut your giant mouth for like one second." Tracey stopped painting her nails a deep shade of brown to interrupt me. "You have a thing for him!" She yelled.

"Oh my god, I totally do not!" I defended.

"Do too, I bet you are drooling a bit." I wiped my chin which had a little drool, "So what? I drool, everyone does-"

"Not over their sexy teacher who as you said, has deep blue eyes, bulging muscles, you minx!" She teased.

"Wow, that's a big word for you. Whatever!" I scoffed.

"You might as well write his name for the fifteen traits you look for in a potential mate, I mean its obvious that you have a thing for him." She continued on.

"How much more inappropriate are you going to get!" I sat up on my bed. "I mean, don't you think he's good looking?"

"Hell yeah, I mean if i were you. I'd seriously tap that." Knowing Tracey, she probably would. "How is sitting next to Tyler?"

"Why are you bringing it up?" I growled.

"Are you serious? What did he say? You looked pretty pissed in class."

"You would look pissed too, if you had to sit next to your ex." I rolled my eyes and popped my back.

"True. Anyway, spill, now. I am dying for some drama in my life."

"Well all he did was explain how he wanted a second chance. Tracey, you don't know how bad I want to give him a second-"

"NO. Scarlett. NO. Do not say that. Tyler treated you horrible, and he cheated."

"I know, its just we had so many amazing memories. He was my first kiss, my first everything. I don't know how I am just going to fine someone who made me as happy as Tyler. Yeach we had our issues but what couple doesn't. I just want to be happy again." I said.

"And you will. Trust me, you just have to find the right one. And it could take a year or even longer. But I swear he will be worth the wait."

"But I thought Tyler was the one. I honestly saw a life with him. Getting married, having kids, growing old together. I saw an entire future with him. When is that going to happen again? Tracey it's so hard. We were together so long and it went south."

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