Chapter 21

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I opened the door to my room and slammed it shut. I locked it quickly.

"Scar!" Christy pounded on the door.

I backed away from the door, crying silently. I stared at the door, once my back hit the wall, I slid down.

I clutched my knees, "Honey, can we please talk?" Christy begged.

I can't handle it anymore. She kept pounding on the door.

I remember the day, I was brought over to Christy's house.

I clutched onto the necklace my dad given me for my tenth birthday. It was hard to believe he was gone. And mommy, and Finn.

"You doing alright, hun." The social worker, Mandy, asked me.

I nodded, silently.

"Your Aunt is very excited to see you." She looked at me through the rear view mirror of her blue car.

Again, I nodded.

"Looks, like we're here." She pulled up to a red brick house.

"I haven't been here in a while."

Mandy parked the car, I closed my eyes, and prayed silently.

God, please let this work out. Please tell mommy, daddy, and Finny that I miss them. Amen.

Mandy opened the door for me and I followed her up to the porch. I looked at the white door, behind it was my life. Please it be good.

The social worker knocked on the door, we waited for a moment. My heart raced, it had been a while since I had seen my aunt. She didn't come out to Minnesota often. Mommy said it was because she was a party girl and didn't know what she was doing with her life. But I think it was just because she was sad.

The door opened, there stood a red haired woman. She looked like a much younger version of mommy. She smiled at me, "Scarlett."

I looked down, "Hi."

The social worker introduced herself, they talked about finalization, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, she's my niece. I don't want someone else to have her."

"Alright." Mandy bent down, "Scarlett. This is your new home."

After the social worker left, I followed my Aunt into her house. It was nice. She had a different style than mommy. Instead of the lacey-bird themed mommy had, it was white and clean. There were no shoes by the stairs, no pictures on the wall, and it didn't smell like apple pie.

It just smelt like cleaner.

"Are you hungry at all?" She questioned.

"No," I said softly.

"Well," My Aunt said cheerfully, "I don't know if you remember me. But I'm Aunt Christy."

I nodded, "I remember."

"Well do you want to go see your room or-"

I shrugged, "Sure."

I followed her up the stairs, everything felt so different.

"So this is your bathroom." She pointed to the first door on the left, then the room across the hall, "This is my room, so if you need anything at night, don't hesitate."

I nodded, then we continued to another room on the left, "And this is yours."

She opened the door, it was painted a soft yellow with a giant bed with a white comforter in the center. There was a matching white desk in front. The curtains were lacey and white, I touched them.

"I know it's not much, We'll go get more stuff-"

"It's okay." I said, turning to face her.

She smiled, it wasn't real. It was full of pity, the same smile I had been getting for weeks now. I wanted it all to stop, instead of apologies would it be too much to ask for some cotton candy and a "They love you, always."

I walked over to her and hugged her, "Thank you."

Her arms wrapped around me, "Of course. I'll always be here for you."

Christy finally gave up, the knocking seized, "All right. I hope you know, I never meant any of that. I love you Scarlett." And her footsteps went downstairs and outside.

I kept letting the tears fall, rage consumed me.

I stoop up and walked over to my desk, I picked up the frame that contained the last family picture of my broken family. My parents who smiled and then at Finn who I was hugging we had taken this at Disney World. It was fulled with fun, but who knew it would be my last road trip with them. Angry tears rushed down my face. I grabbed the frame and threw it at wall. I looked at all the makeup, perfumes on my desk and slid them off.

Everything was gone.

My family.

My reputation.


I wiped at my eyes, as I walked over to the wall of pictures. Over the years, I had taken pictures at every football game of Tyler's, every gathering of all of my friends and family. I grabbed the one of me and Tyler at his house. I remembered how much fun we use to have back then. When we were in love and everything was perfect.

He did this to me, I ripped it half, without a second thought.

But that wasn't the only one. I started ripping and throwing everything in my path. I finally sank down to the ground as I took in the mess around me, broken glass, ripped pictures, holes in the wall, feathers everywhere.

I put my hands in my hair, and bawled. What have I done?

I closed my eyes as I processed everything.

I had finally broke down.

One thing after another has caused this. It all started when I was ten and everything just got bigger and bigger. I grabbed my phone and dialed Niall's number.

"I am sorry, this number is not in service. Please redial and try again." The monotone voice said. I chucked my phone at the wall and screamed. "Please come back to me."

"Come back."

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