Chapter 12

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I opened to the door to find Niall wearing a black leather jacket, a white tee shirt and black skinny jeans. He pulled the sunglasses off of his eyes.

Yeah, those dirty, erotic thoughts were surfacing. 

"Uhh." I practically drooled, he winked at me. 

"Are you going to invite him in?" Christy called from the kitchen. "Uh, yeah." I blinked. Niall grinned. 

"Come on in, Mr. Horan." I smiled.

 "Thank you Miss Adams." He returned. 

As I closed the door, I tried to catch a breath, please do not let this night go to shit. I followed Niall into the dinning room.

"You must be Scarlett's aunt." Niall grinned as he extended the red roses in his hand out to her.

"Oh my. These are very lovely, Mr. Horan. Thank you so much." Christy looked over at me, I shrugged. 

 "Of course. Your house is rather wonderful." Niall looked around. Christy blushed, "Thank you so much. It's very much appreciated. Oh how rude of me. This is my daughter Alex." Alex smiled at him.

Niall got down on one knee and held out his hand, "Hello."

Alex looked to her mom before addressing Niall, "Hi." She slid her tiny hand into his large hands. I watched them carefully, it made my heart happy to that Alex wasn't scared of him.

"Scar" Christy said. 


"Would you get the chicken out of the oven?" She asked. 

. . . 

"So how are you enjoying the U.S?" Christy asked before she sipped her red wine.

"Oh, it's very different but it's not growing on me." He stole a glance towards me. I ducked my head so no one could see the blush crawling up my cheeks.

"So how long are you going to be teaching in the States?" I rolled my eyes as I took another bite of the lemon and black pepper chicken. It was okay, it was kind of dry but edible. I think she cook it for--"The rest of the year." I dropped my fork onto my plate. It clanked, everyone looked over at me. 

"I am sorry, can you all excuse me." I removed the napkin from my lap and sat in on the table and walked upstairs. I opened the red door to the bathroom and stepped inside. 

The rest of the year? That was only a month and a half. He'd be leaving for Mullingar, soon. Very soon. "Shit." I muttered. "Breathe, its going to be alright." It wasn't like I loved him or anything. I mean I had feelings but-- I had feelings. What was I going to do? Turn them off? I wish. Something echoed in my mind, 'You're his 5 minute good time.' Part of me didn't believe it but the other part wasn't as sure. Maybe, I was. 

 I sighed, breathe. Come on, Scarlett. You can act like your happy. You had to do it towards the end of your relationship with Tyler. "Yeah," I nodded, "I can do this. No big deal. I got this."

I opened the bathroom door and out on a smile and headed towards the dinning room.

"Are you alright honey?" Todd asked. 

I nodded as I slipped into my chair, "Just dandy."

"Anyway, Scarlett I was telling Mr. Horan." 

"Niall." He corrected

"Niall." Christy smiled, "I was telling him about your talent." I glared at her, "Why?"

Christy looked stunned. "I mean, it wasn't a talent. It was a hobby." I shot her another glare. 

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