Chapter 25

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I smiled as I watched Alex playing on the swing set. Her smile could light up an entire room. She was getting so big, and if I leave for college, I'd miss a lot.

But enough of that, I had bigger things to focus on right now. My eyes shifted down to the empty page that was titled, Graduation Speech. I had been sitting here for at least an hour and I haven't had the slightest idea what to say. The blank page mocked me.

The wind blew at my notebook, I hugged myself even tighter. Why could inspiration come to me? I mean four years of my life was spent in this high school. I watched myself, my friends grow up in those halls and nothing. "Give me something to work with." 

"Scar!" Alex cried. I instantly threw my notebook down and ran over to the little girl who was laying on the ground. 

"Are you okay?" I walked her back over to the bench and sat her down, I kneeled in front of her.

"Anything broken?" 

She sniffled, "My knee."

I touched it, and a fresh wave of tears spilled down her face. "Well, it looks pretty bad."

"It does?"

"I'm afraid so. I think we might have to cut it off." 

Her eyes widened, "What?"

"I'm kidding. You'll be fine."

She nodded as she wiped away her tears, "I wanna go home." 

I nodded, "Alright sweetheart, lets go."

I bent down and tied her laces and looked at the cut. It wasn't bleeding but I knew it would bruise. It was turning red.

She ripped out a page out of my notebook. "Oh Alex, what are you doing?"

"I was just looking." She said and the paper flew from her hand as the wind blew it from her small grasp.

"Oh crap." I muttered. I didn't chase after it because it was blank but it still sucked. I hung my head. "I sorry."

I picked her up along with my notebook and walked down the sidewalk.

"Hey wait!" A voice called. I stopped, and turned around.  A brown headed boy ran towards me. He looked familiar.

"Here's your paper." He handed me the page with only two words.

"Oh yeah, thanks."

"Trying to litter?" He smirked. 

"You look really familiar." I told him. 

"I'm in your history class. Liam, Liam Payne." He said. 

I slapped my forehead, "Oh yeah. I borrowed your notes last week. They weren't that great to be honest with you." We both laughed.

"How have you been?"

 I shrugged, "As you can tell not very well. If some inspiration could strike me, that'd be great." I held up the paper.

"Well yeah, I mean with everyone acting like dicks. You don't deserve it."

"You really think that?" 

"We all make mistakes, some bigger than others but mistakes none the less."

"Yeah, but it's alright. The talk will die down some enough."

"Right. Did you get accepted into Washington?" Liam and I talked occasionally in class. Mainly it was about notes and college. I nodded, "Yeah. Did you?"

"Yeah. I'm really excited." He smiled. "Well, your cousin looks cold so I'll see you tomorrow. Oh and inspiration will come, just think back to all the moments that have shaped us." Liam smiled as he waved goodbye.

"Thank you. Have a nice night, Liam." 

I sat on my bed later that night, thinking on how I should write this stupid speech. I could take the humorous route or the more inspirational one. I know what you're thinking, just write the damn thing, but it's not that easy. 

I sighed, if Niall was here he'd help me. I miss him. Its been only a day since we talked but there's this empty feeling in my heart. A feeling that only Niall could fix.

I stared at my wall, don't think about Niall. Just get this done, the sooner it's done, the sooner I can wallow in self pity.

I sighed, four years. My life has changed in those four years. That's where I made so many new friends. Fell in love. 

I blinked then grabbed my notebook and began writing.

My aunt knocked on the door an hour later, I was still writing.

"How is it going? Need some help?"

I looked up and smiled, "No. I think I have this, finally."


She came in and sat on my bed, "You know I am so proud of you. Even when you get off the stage and have your diploma in your hand, God, you have grown up so much." She looked as if she was going to cry.

I set my paper down and grabbed her hands until she was looking into my eyes, "Hey, it's going to be okay."

She grabbed my back and pulled me into a hug, she sobbed.

I clutched onto her salmon sweatshirt.

Tears ran down my face as my Aunt broke down. She has never broke down in front of me ever.

She pulled back, tears still streamed down her face, "How am I going to manage without you?"

"You act like I am never coming back" I said.

She laughed through her tears. "I know but you'll follow him."

"Christy, you have taken care of me for eight years and I have appreciated every moment. Even when I caught you making out on the couch, doing yoga, and even when you threaten to hit me."

She laughed, "Scar, you are so much like her. She'd be so proud of you." I hugged her again, "I'll miss you."

She rubbed my back, "Me too."

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